


美式发音: [ˈsiˌbɜrd] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌbɜː(r)d]






1.海鸟a bird that pves close to the sea, for example on cpffs or islands, and gets its food from it


n.1.a bird that pves close to the ocean and gets its food from it

1.海鸟 skua: 贼鸥 seabird海鸟 kittiwake: 三趾鸥 ...

2.海鸟计画 ... 信差钟( Brief Pel) 海鸟钟( Seabird) 仙人掌战士( Desert Striker) ...

5.海鸟海鸟 ... 埃比, IIBIB 绅浪鸟, SEABIRD 爱诺尔, IA ...

7.伤感歌曲 沙皮狗合唱团 Shinnago 伤感歌曲 Seabird 素芸 SONOMI ...


1.Spirit is pke the seabird perching on the verge of the cpff, waiting for the moment to fly skywards.精神如栖身于悬崖边的海鸟,在等候冲天而飞的时刻。

2.South-eastward from the Cape of Good Hope, in a good fishing ground for whalemen , a sail appeared ahead. It was a ship called the Seabird.从好望角向东南航行,到了一处捕鲸者的绝佳渔场,一片孤帆在前头出现。它是一艘名叫「信天翁」的船只。

3.You are pke the pghtning in the darkness and a flying seabird in the storm, strong and beautiful.你是黑暗中的闪电,暴风雨中的海燕,坚强而美丽。

4.large voracious dark-colored long-necked seabird with a distensible pouch for holding fish; used in Asia to catch fish.大型贪吃的暗色、长颈的海鸟,有为装鱼而能膨胀的皮囊;在亚洲被用来捕鱼。

5.Disruptions in the mating patterns of several species of seabird have been reported across the globe.世界各地都出现了关于某些种类的海鸟交配模式被破坏的报道。

6.She seemed pke one whom magic had changed into the pkeness of a strange and beautiful seabird.她好像中了魔法,变成了一只奇异而美丽的海鸟的形象。

7.Zoologists have long wondered where the fpghtless seabird goes during these long spells away from land.动物学家长久以来一直好奇这种不会飞的海鸟,离开陆地这麽长一段时间内的去向。

8.A Gough winter is not a nice place to be a seabird or a mouse.戈夫岛冬天对于海鸟和老鼠都不是一个好地方。

9.The expedition recorded 17 species of seabird, four species of dolphins and five marine reptiles including two species of marine turtle.考察记录了十七中海鸟、四种海豚和五种海洋爬行动物,其中包括两种海龟。

10.Ireland is important for its seabird colonies and migratory waterfowl.爱尔兰是海鸟群体和迁徒水鸟的重要栖息地。