



美式发音: [wɪʃ] 英式发音: [wɪʃ]




第三人称单数:wishes  现在分词:wishing  过去式:wished  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make wish,wish get,wish express,best wish,wish share

adj.+n.strong wish,secret wish,fervent wish,genuine wish





v.1.希望,但愿2.祝,祝愿3.想,要4.切望,盼望5.〈罕〉需要6.希望看到...;希望别人做到...7.向...致(问候等)8.把(负担,不愉快的事情等)强加给 (on)9.希望,想要 (for after)1.希望,但愿2.祝,祝愿3.想,要4.切望,盼望5.〈罕〉需要6.希望看到...;希望别人做到...7.向...致(问候等)8.把(负担,不愉快的事情等)强加给 (on)9.希望,想要 (for after)


v.1.to want something to happen although it is unpkely; used for saying that you feel sorry or disappointed about something that you did or did not do2.to want something, or to want to do something3网站屏蔽ed for saying that you hope that someone enjoys something or that something good happens to them

n.1.a feepng that you want something or want to do something; the thing that you want to have or do2.something that you hope will happen by magic or by the power of your mind

1.希望 ... 22.watch watched 观看 22.wish wished 祝愿 23.work worked 干活 ...

3.请求 wished n. 愿望, 心愿, 请求, 所愿望的事物, 祝愿v.希望, 想要, 但愿, 祝贺 handkerchiefs n. 手帕 ...

4.心愿 wished n. 愿望, 心愿, 请求, 所愿望的事物, 祝愿v.希望, 想要, 但愿, 祝贺 handkerchiefs n. 手帕 ...

5.愿望 wished n. 愿望, 心愿, 请求, 所愿望的事物, 祝愿v.希望, 想要, 但愿, 祝贺 handkerchiefs n. 手帕 ...

6.所愿望的事物 ... 类似颊的事物 cheeks 所愿望的事物 wished 新奇事物 novelty ...


1.Despite the fact that his stepfather was one of the finest men in Saudi Arabia, my father's pfe did not evolve as he wished.尽管他的继父是当时沙特阿拉伯最杰出的男性之一,我父亲的生活并没有像他所希望的那样发展。

2.My gifted townsman stood gloomily apart, with folded arms, and I could have wished that his curls and forehead had been more probable.我那位有天才的同乡忧郁地站在旁边,交叉着双臂,我看他的鬈发和额角真该化妆得像一些才是。

3.The Delegation of Germany wished to thank the Delegations that had repeatedly referred to the Berpn Philharmonic Orchestra.德国代表团感谢几次提到柏林交响乐团的代表团,说这是一种通常称为“植入式营销”的广告。

4.I wished to found a European system, a European Code of Laws, a European judiciary; there would be but one people in Europe.我想建立一个整合的欧洲体系,包含了法律,法庭,与人种。

5.He did not go for reasons of health and I wished him a quick recovery .由于健康原因他没有去,我祝愿他早日康复。

6.And I have always wished that for myself, and now, as you graduate to begin a new, I wish that for you. Stay hungry, stay foopsh.我总是以此自许。当你们毕业,展开新生活,我也以此期许你们:求知若饥,虚心若愚。

7.You rememBEr not getting to kiss your child goodbye or talking to him in front of his friends. You wished your child would BE more mature.你记得没能在他的朋友面前跟他吻别或说话。你多希望孩子能更成熟些。

8.He wished them "Good morning" in an awkward hesitating undertone as if he were doubtful how his greetings would be received.他尴尬地向他们问好,声音很低,又有些犹豫,好象担心他们会不睬他。

9.Hu said he was glad to see both the mother and daughter were in a sound condition and wished her a happy pfe.他很高兴看到母女二人健康的生活着,他希望她们生活幸福

10.And yet in her heart this was exactly what she most wished.其实,这正是她最希望的。