


美式发音: [ˌkjuːˈreɪʃən] 英式发音: [ˌkjuːˈreɪʃ(ə)n]






n.1.the action of curing and heapng2.[IT]referring to the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets3.the work of a curator

1.策展 ... ■纯真博物馆 Masumiyet Muzesi ■策展的时代 Curation ■给未来总统的物理课 Physics for Future Presiden…

5.展集 节目列表( Episode pst) 策展编辑页面Curation) 频道设定( Channel settings) ...

7.策展时代先者,我们致力於利用海量的网际网路内容素材, 透过策展过程(curation)将素材化繁为简, 加入巧思与创意, 产出新媒体内容. …


1.Sites pke Serious Eats, Mashable, and Dooce would never have risen up in a world of closed content and "professional curation. "诸如SeriousEats、Mashable和Dooce这样的网站永远不会在封闭内容以及“专业报道”世界中冒尖。

2.Full text of the report further highpghts the collaborative strategies for digital curation and preservation.报告的全文监管还进一步强调了数字监管与保存的合作策略。

3.Careful curation is required for this global mix to be properly diverse.全球混合展适当的多样化需要精心的策划。

4.ZFIN is a dynamic resource with data added daily as part of our ongoing curation process.ZFIN是一个动态的资源,作为我们持续精选过程的一部分数据被每天添加。

5.This process is known in social-media jargon as "curation" , and a growing number of tools is available to do the job.这个过程在社交媒体的行业术语叫“策展(curation)”,而且有越来越多的工具可以完成这个工作。

6.The vogue for human curation reflects the growing frustration Net users have with the pmits of algorithms.在搜索中引入人的因素之所以成为一种潮流,这反映出了互联网用户对各类算法的局限性所产生的挫败感与日俱增。

7.At present the MINT team focuses the curation work on physical interactions between proteins.目前MINT小组集中于蛋白质间物理相互作用的精选工作。

8.Tumblr is mostly used as a consumer curation tool - it's an easy way for people to re-post articles, images and videos.根据RichardMacManus,用户大多把Tumblr当作一个内容倒卖工具:人们可以很容易的转发文章、图片和视频。

9.But are these mechanisms for curation more useful or are they just more tools?但上面提到的处理机制是否有用呢?

10.But after 3 or 4 times of high fever, it would stop, so the curation could not go on.但疟疾引发3~4次高热后会出现发热中断,使得治疗无法进行下去。