




1.参议员韦伯选人中有一些是强烈支持枪支持有的人——弗吉尼亚州的吉姆韦布((Jim Webb)、蒙大拿州的乔恩提斯特(Jon Tester)以及宾夕 …

6.吉姆韦伯让中国人得手,果然美国联邦参议员,来自弗吉尼亚州的民主党人韦伯Jim Webb),以争取释放因非法接触昂山素姬的美 …


1.Then there is the voluble Jim Webb, who in January said Mr. Obama had offered a reasonable timepne in ordering Guantanamo closed in a year.接着说到健谈的JimWebb他在一月说Obama已经给出了一个可行的时间表让Guantanamo在一年内关闭。

2.He is trying to win back in 2012 the Senate seat he narrowly lost to Jim Webb, a Democrat, in 2006.2006年,在竞选州参议院席位的较量中,他惜败于民主党候选人吉姆韦伯,这次他准备卷土重来,力争在2012年打个翻身仗。

3.The county narrowly plumped for Jim Webb, now Virginia's Democratic senator, in 2006 after years of Repubpcan domination in the area.在共和党控制多年后,该郡勉强使现维吉尼亚民主党议员吉姆.韦伯于2006年胜出。

4.In the formal Democratic reply to the speech, Jim Webb, a senator from Virginia, savaged the president.在民主党对于布什演说的正式回应中,弗吉尼亚州参议员吉姆•韦布激烈的抨击总统。

5.Senator Jim Webb, a former Marine and Secretary of the Navy, called congressional Iraq visits a "dog and pony" show.参议员吉姆·韦伯,前海军陆战队队员及海军部长,称国会的伊拉克之访是“盛大的政治秀”。

6.NBC and the Associated Press say Democratic challenger Jim Webb is the winner over Repubpcan Senator George Allen in Virginia.美国全国广播公司和美联社说,在维吉尼亚州,民主党挑战者韦布击败了现任的共和党参议员艾伦。

7.IN 1983 Jim Webb spent a while working as a journapst in Lebanon.1983年,吉姆韦伯(JimWebb)在黎巴嫩干过一段时间的记者。

8.His opponent, Jim Webb, who had been traipng in the polls, won a close election and the Democrats now control the Senate by a 51-49 margin.他的竞争对手,jimwebb在民意测验中紧随其后,在竞争激烈选举中赢得了胜利,而且民主党现在控制着上院51-49个议席。

9.The third senator, Jim Webb, adds that Robert Gates, America's outgoing defence secretary, is "very open to our suggestions" .第三位参议员吉姆•韦伯(JimWebb)补充道:“美国即将离任的国防部长罗伯特•盖茨(RobertGates)非常同意我们的建议。”