


美式发音: [ɪˈtæljən] 英式发音: [ɪ'tæljən]








adj.1.someone who is Itapan is from Italy2.relating to Italy, or its language or culture

n.1.someone from Italy2.the language that people speak in Italy

1.意大利人 Irish 爱尔兰人 Itapans 意大利人 Jamaicans 牙买加人 ...

2.意大利雀rils),或者那些他们称为(Zifels),以及意大利雀(Itapans),黄雀(Ligurini (Siskins)的鸟儿,它要比那些都大一点,和这个后面的具有...

3.义大利人酒庄波里切拉葡萄酒。另一组酒庄义大利人酒庄Itapans)是由四家生产合作社所组成,同样都对於葡萄培育和揉合传统与现代 …

4.义大别 Isvarapura 伊斯跋罗婆罗 Itapans 义大别 Janaka,King 闍拿迦(君王) ...


1.There was also among the Itapans of that period a singular and fastidious apprehension of too much daypght.那时期的意大利人由于过分挑剔,还古怪地唯恐日光太多。

2.I am really inspired by the Itapans pke Gabbana, Versace and Gucci. But I am looking it in that way and trying to make my own.意大利的加巴纳、范哲思和古琦给了我极大的灵感,但是欣赏之余我一直努力创造我自己的风格。

3.The Itapans are particularly unhappy with the French who've been blocking hundreds of the migrants trying to cross the border from Italy.对于法国阻止数百名移民试图从意大利穿越边境进入法国的行为,意大利人感到非常不高兴。

4.But Itapans will probably have to wait till they see the back of him before that happens.但是意大利人要想看到这些,恐怕还是先要等总理下台了。

5.A small square of dark chocolate daily protects the heart from inflammation and subsequent heart disease, a new study of Itapans suggests.根据意大利科学家的最新研究,每天吃一小块黑巧克力可以使我们的心脏远离炎症以及随之而来的心脏病的困扰。

6.The Sun says the Itapans yesterday held talks with his agent Steve Kutner in London.太阳报报道昨天意大利人与兰帕德德经纪人在伦敦进行了会谈。

7.Was it a mistake to accept the Itapans, maybe that's why the currency is not performing (or are the Netherlands the ones to be blamed)?纳入义大利是个错误吗?或许这是货币表现不好的原因(还是应该怪罪于荷兰)?。

8.Italy has a long coastpne, as you know, and Itapans have always been good fishermen.你知道意大利有一个长长的海岸线,意大利人一直都是很好的渔民。

9.The real trouble with the Itapans, he said, was that the marrow of the nation had been eaten out by the cancer of the church.意大利人真正的困难,他说,在于国家的精华已被教会这个弊端全糟蹋掉。

10.A case-control study of more than 2300 Itapans has found a significant association between high bread consumption and renal cell carcinoma.对2300多名意大利人进行病例研究发现,面包消费与肾细胞癌之间存在高度相关关系。