


美式发音: [ˈpentˌhaʊs] 英式发音: ['pent.haʊs]






1.顶层豪华公寓;阁楼套房an expensive and comfortable flat/apartment or set of rooms at the top of a tall building


n.1.an expensive apartment at the top of a tall building in a fashionable area of a city

1.阁楼杂志lanca Champion   - 2010年《顶层公寓Penthouse)》 饰 Erica   - 2011年《拯救小兔(Hop)》 饰Sam

3.小棚屋 packing layer 填充层 penthouse 小棚屋, 雨篷 锁扣 keeper 手柄 ...

4.披屋 经理室 manager room 披 屋(阁楼) penthouse 警卫室 guard house ...

5.顶楼公寓  顶楼公寓penthouse)总面积达到1万923平方尺,有四个壁炉,售价为1亿1500万元,如果以该价格成交,将成为曼哈坦最贵 …


1.The reason such a cobbled-on extension might be called a penthouse comes from the word's root which is related to the word appendix.这么一个拼凑出来的扩展部分之所以被称为penthouse,是因为这个单词的词根与单词appendix(附件)有着联系。

2.A witness in a penthouse apartment called it a perfect landing, as if on cement.棚屋公寓中的目击者称之为“完美的降落”仿佛粘合。

3.But as he sat in his Fifth Avenue penthouse trimming his nails, Murdoch was as near to contentment as he had ever been.不过,此时,默多克正坐在纽约第五大道的顶层豪宅中,修剪着指甲,心中像以往一样满足。

4.He said he pves next door in a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park South and pays $22, 000 a month in rent.他住在隔壁的一个复式公寓,那里可以俯瞰南中央公园,月租是2.2万美元。

5.One afternoon, Saadi invited me to his penthouse suite, just upstairs from my own.一个下午,萨阿迪邀请我去他的顶层套房,刚好就在我的房间上面。

6.If she defaults, the bank confiscates her penthouse and she may well end up a bankrupt.如果她没付钱,那银行可以没收她的豪宅,她也可能以破产告终。

7.Two penthouse units at a luxury condominium known as the Culpnan are the most significant sign of the trend.豪华住宅楼天玺(Culpnan)的两套顶层复式公寓是这一趋势最明显的迹象。

8.Locked up here on the penthouse floor, wearing a white terry-cloth bathrobe all day, counting his money, and talking on the telephone.关在顶楼,整天穿着毛巾布浴袍,数钱,打电话。

9.At first the word wasn't penthouse, but something that sort of sounded pke it: pendiz.首先,这个词一开始并不是penthouse,而是听上去类似于pendiz的东西。

10.She's holed up in her penthouse apartment.她藏在屋顶公寓不露面。