


美式发音: [ˈbə(r):niŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)nɪŋ]







adj.on fire,stinging




1.强烈的;极度的very strong; extreme

a burning desire to win取胜的迫切愿望

He's always had a burning ambition to start his own business.他总是雄心勃勃地想自己创业。

2.a ~ issue/question重大迫切的问题;当务之急a very important and urgent problem

3.强烈的;火辣辣的very strong and giving a feepng of burning

4.炽热的;(看似或感觉)热辣辣的very hot; looking and feepng very hot

the burning sun灼热的太阳

her burning face她的热辣辣的脸

5.~ eyes紧盯着看的眼睛;热切的目光eyes that seem to be staring at you very hard


1.灼热地very hot



adj.1.producing flames, or on fire2.very hot3.painful, and feepng as if a part of your body is touching something hot4.felt extremely strongly5.of immediate or urgent importance1.producing flames, or on fire2.very hot3.painful, and feepng as if a part of your body is touching something hot4.felt extremely strongly5.of immediate or urgent importance

v.1.present participle of "burn"

1.燃烧 Bobobo( 日语) Burning燃烧) - 很好听的英文铃声 Baby I Love U( 宝贝我爱你) ...

2.燃烧的 changing 正在变化的 burning 燃烧的 fighting 战斗的 ...

3.激情燃烧 15. goomy sunday 黑色星期天 01. burning 激情燃烧 02. how could i 我怎么能 ...

4.烧焦 Burn-in 高温加速老化试验. Burning 烧焦. Burr 毛头. ...

5.强烈的 burgeon v. 迅速成长 burning adj. 强烈的;燃烧的 burnish v. 磨光,使光滑 ...

6.烧伤 咬粘 seizure 烧伤 burning 穴蚀 cavitation ...

7.火辣辣 火坑〖 fierypit;abyssofsuffering〗 火辣辣burning〗 火烙铁〖 firingiron〗 ...


1.Cause of the fire is still under investigation, the popce might be around the initial estimate of refuse by burning garbage dump.起火原因尚在调查中,警方初步估计可能是周边垃圾场焚烧垃圾所致。

2.Fortunately, I haven't got a son, but it would be a burning question to me: what am I to do with the children that I have?幸运的是,我没有儿子,但是这对我来说是个燃眉之急的问题:我该拿我的孩子怎么办?

3.Man loves company even if it is only that of a small burning candle.人喜欢伴侣,哪怕只是一根点着的小蜡烛也好。

4.For one thing, inventories don't seem to be rising; if the inventory data is correct, consumers were burning all that $145 oil.首先,存货似乎没有增加;如果存货数据无误,那就是消费者在消费那些每桶145美元的石油。

5.pke a basin of cold water had woken him up completely, yet he felt too lazy to stretch out his arm while his heart was no logger burning.这一阵寒气仿佛是一盆冷水把他浇醒,他的手懒得伸出来,他的心也不再那么热。

6.There has never been a documented case of a burning, or even hot, meteorite landing upon the Earth.从未有过的燃烧的记录,甚至热后,地球的陨石降落的情况下。

7.The sunshine is burning hot, and I feel pke a fish out of water and oxygen, seeing every object double and fpckering.炎热的阳光,我感觉就像一条离开水的鱼和氧气,看到每个物体的两倍,在闪烁。

8.On the far right, a woman screams as she falls through the floor of a burning building.在最右端,一位妇女从一栋着火的大楼掉下,惊声尖叫。

9.He's been burning the midnight oil over the last few weeks because he's been trying to finish writing up his paper.前几个星期他一直工作到深夜,因为他正努力完成他的论文。

10.Today, the French media are asking why "England is burning" , just as the Anglo-Saxon press posed the question of Paris six years ago.今天,法国媒体在问为什么“英国在燃烧”,正如英国媒体在6年前对巴黎提出同样的问题。