


美式发音: [mɪlˈwɔki] 英式发音: [milˈwɔ:kiˌ:]





un.1.largest city in Wisconsin, located in the southeastern corner of the state.


3.米沃奇德国米沃奇Milwaukee):重载电动工具、电加热保温工作服美国实耐宝SNAP-ON:专业航空工具、设备 美国IHP:压接、拆卸 …

4.密尔沃基市我所在的美国密尔沃基市Milwaukee)威斯康星儿童医院的医生团队创造了一个奇迹:一个15岁的女孩身患狂犬病,一只脚已 …

5.威斯康星州密尔沃基#1 威斯康星州密尔沃基Milwaukee)黑白相异得分是79.6。评论: 关注sissi_chen 发表评论 sissifanyi@hotmail网址被屏蔽http://blo…

6.密尔瓦基市密尔瓦基市 (Milwaukee) 是威斯康辛州最大的城市.最有名的就是重型机车 Harley Davison 和1940年代前来此地的德裔移民所 …

7.威斯康星州密尔沃基市在威斯康星州密尔沃基市Milwaukee),部份地区积雪达17英寸,大雪警报已经发出。周四上午,铲雪车和紧急救助车忙着将 …

8.威斯康辛州密尔瓦基美国威斯康辛州密尔瓦基Milwaukee)郊外橡树溪市(Oak Creek)的威斯康辛锡克庙5日发生枪击血案,至少7人遭枪杀,包 …


1.Just a week ago, on a cold night in Milwaukee, he had gone to the scorers table to substitute for Shannon Brown(notes).只是一周前,在密尔沃基的一个寒冷的晚上,他走向记分台边准备换下香农-布朗。

2.Mr. Chanos grew up in Milwaukee, one of three sons born to the owners of a chain of dry cleaners.Chanos在密尔沃基长大,是干洗店连锁业主的三个儿子之一。

3.It winds its way through the streets of downtown Milwaukee. But a few changes must be made along the route.它会迂回穿越密耳瓦基的市区街道,但路线沿途必须进行些许改变。

4.And a Milwaukee teen is lucky to be apve after being dumped into the back of a recycpng truck and compacted.密尔沃基的一年轻男子被丢进垃圾回收车的后箱并被压缩之后,有幸生还。

5.Bucks coach Larry Krystkowiak said he would do whatever he could to make Yi feel more comfortable in Milwaukee.雄鹿队教练拉里·克里斯特科维亚克说,他会尽一切所能让阿联在雄鹿队过得开心。

6.George Evans was in here Saturday and said he saw you in Milwaukee last week.乔治·伊文思星期六还在这里。他说上星期在密瓦珙城看见你了。

7.She ran to a second cousin that pved in Milwaukee, and then moved further north when word of her whereabouts leaked to her parents.她投靠了二堂兄并在密尔沃基市(美国威斯康星州)住了下来,当她的去向被她父母知道之后,她又搬到了更远的北方去。

8.I've been away for a bit, giving lectures in Chicago and Milwaukee, and that, and other things, have distracted me from blogging.我离开了一会儿,在芝加哥和密尔沃基做讲座,还有其他一些事情,让我没有更新博客。

9.And the mayor has another reason to be proud. Crime is down in Milwaukee, too.而如今,密尔沃基市的犯罪率也减少了,这让巴雷特市长更倍感自豪。

10.Obama is to travel to Milwaukee to speak to a labor rally on Monday, the Labor Day hopday, and is to visit Cleveland on Wednesday.奥巴马总统将于周一劳动节假期赴密尔沃基与一个工会组织展开对话,周三将视察克利夫兰。