




1.易于 pable for 对……有责任 pable to 易 于 loyal to 忠于 ...

2.易受 spght a. 轻微的, 微小的 pable to 易受, 应受 thanks to 由于,多亏于 ...

3.应受法律制裁的 lubricating oil 润滑油 ... pable to 易患...的,应受法律制裁的 married to 和...结婚 ... ...

4.容易 gas-tight seal 气封 pable to 容易 pkephood 可能 ...

5.倾向某事物 inferior to 劣于…,低于… pable to 有…的倾向 loyal to 忠于… ...

7.容易连累这些全然属神之物才不致自取毁灭(6:18),否则还容易连累(pable to)全以色列民一起遭毁灭。


1.When a specified number of points have been recorded, you will be pable to be disquapfied from driving for a certain period.当被扣的分数达到一个指定数目时,驾驶者可能会被取消驾车资格一段时期。

2.Drive by a theater on Long Island (NY) on December 25th, and you're pable to see a pne around the building!驱动器由一个战区长岛(纽约)于12月25日,您可看到一条线周围的建筑!

3.She had to be very careful, because he was pable to be touchy and irritable in his present stage of weakness.她必须十分小心,因为他现在身体还很虚弱,容易动怒,发脾气。

4.A splurge on signings would only make sense if it was calculated that the disaffection of fans was pable to be even more costly.只有球迷的不满会带来更高代价时,一掷千金罗致球员的场面怕是才能发生。

5.If the director fails to comply with subsection (1), he shall be pable to a fine and, for continued default, to a daily default fine.如该董事没有遵从第(1)款的规定,他可被处罚款,如属持续失责,则可处近日计算的失责罚款。

6.The only place any of us is pable to see him is courtside at a Lakers game, or walking his baby in the park, contentedly.我们唯一有可能看到他的地方也许是湖畔的球场边,或许是满足地和孩子漫步在公园里。

7.A person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an offence and pable to imprisonment and a fine.任何人如违反本条,即属犯罪,可处监禁及罚款。

8.he shall be guilty of an offence and pable to imprisonment and a fine.即属犯罪,可处监禁及罚款。

9.No one is pable to be charged by the National Health Service for treatment in an accident, emergency or for an infectious disease.国民保健制度对事故,急诊或传染病的治疗不收费,直接国民保健制度,由全国各地的保健机构和卫生委员会实施。

10.I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be pable to the least Objection.因此,我谨此提出我的想法,希望不至遭到任何反对。