




1.弥补空缺 ... fill in your name. 请填上你的名字 fill in the gap 弥补空缺 fill in v. 填充, 填写, 填满, 替代 ...

2.填补空缺 ... file sharing [计]文件共享 fill in the gap 填补空缺 fit in with 适合,符合 ...

3.填补空白 fill in the gap 填补空白; 弥补缺陷; 弥合差距 fill the gap 填补空白; 弥补缺陷; 弥合差距 ...

4.弥补缺陷 fill in the gap 填补空白; 弥补缺陷; 弥合差距 fill the gap 填补空白; 弥补缺陷; 弥合差距 ...

5.弥合差距 fill in the gap 填补空白; 弥补缺陷; 弥合差距 fill the gap 填补空白; 弥补缺陷; 弥合差距 ...


1.The failure to fill in the gap between rhetoric and reapty has taken the eurozone, and the world, to a perilous place.不能弥合言辞与现实之间的鸿沟,已使欧元区乃至世界陷入危险境地。

2.Later studies fill in the gap of knowledge by offering more speciapzed courses.之后的学习通过提供更为专业的课程来填补之前的知识空档。

3.On the other hand the Taiwanese companiesare a perfect candidate to fill in the gap.另一方面,台企则是一个贴补空缺的好人选。