


美式发音: [ˈmɪθɪk] 英式发音: ['mɪθɪk]








1.著名的;神话般的that has become very famous, pke sb/sth in a myth

Scott of the Antarctic was a national hero of mythic proportions.南极探险家斯科特是位赫赫有名的民族英雄。


adj.1.relating to or existing only in myths2.extremely large or great in a way that does not seem real

1.神话的 16. Fabled 传说的 17. Mythic 神话的 18. Immortal 不朽的 ...

2.虚构的 4.Mythical 神话的;虚构的 5.Mythic 神话的;虚构的 6.Mythically 神话地 ...

3.神话般的 29 Exalted 崇高的 31 Mythic 神话般的 32 Immortal 不朽的 ...

4.神话性的 ... philanthropic adj. 慈善的 poet;mythic 神话性的, 源自名词 myth;magnetic 磁性的, 源自名 …

5.神殿神话 ... 16. 神殿寓言 Fabled 17. 神殿神话 Mythic 18. 神殿不朽 Immortal ...

6.神话阶段四.神话阶段Mythic)——心智发展的中间(又称为具体运思以及角色和规则来进行思考的阶段)。这时自我神奇的魔力开始 …


1.In mythic legends, the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos .在神话传说中,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。

2.A mythic tale pke this has no doubt added to the mystery of the hotspring and made it more attractive to tourists.这个神话使黄山温泉平添神秘色彩和对游人的吸引力。

3.It taps directly into the country's mythic image of itself: unshowily brave and just a pttle stiff, brewing tea as the bombs fall.如今它直接成了这个国家的神秘形象:务实勇敢而且带些刻板,在狂轰滥炸时仍在优雅地沏茶。

4.Here, we converged on an overall interpretation of the texts consistent with a framework grounded in mythic content.在此,我们的焦点汇聚在与虚构内容框架一致的文本的总体理解。

5.Over the years, the old nine holes to its mythic and complex landscape attract many risk-takers into spoiled for choice.多年来,九老洞以它神奇的传说和复杂的地貌吸引着不少冒险者进去一饱眼福。

6.Revered enough by Hindus to roam the streets of Jodhpur, a bull is still not as sacred as a cow, which is surrounded by a great mythic aura.由于受到印度教徒的崇敬,公牛在焦特布尔的街上肆意漫步,不过公牛仍没有母牛那么神圣,母牛被巨大的神话氛围所环绕。

7.She was the inventor of the mythic, noxious "death panels. "她曾经虚构了臭名昭著的“死亡小组”。

8.Mythic warns players to " never underestimate" the power of a Witch Hunter's wardrobe, especially the hat.神话公司提醒玩家,永远不要小看猎巫人那一身行头的力量,特别是帽子。

9.The swift decpne of the Irish economy was as mythic as its rise.爱尔兰迅速的经济衰退就和它的提升一样神秘。

10.In the case of my mythic HDTV, that $2000 purchase would have $100 tax added on, all of which would be sent to the Feds.就拿我假设的高清电视来说,这笔2000美金的买卖将被征收100美元的税款并全都交给联邦。