




1.亚硝基脲 HCI 硬件兼容性列表 ENU 乙基亚硝基脲 SMPS 开关式电源供电 ...

3.乙烷基亚硝基脲 希腊 ELL 美国 ENU 芬兰 FIN ...

6.东北天 续= SYFB ENU 娜= GEB ...

8.北天东系 ... ED-50 欧洲基准1950 ENU 北天东系 EOE 地球边缘 ...


1.The consortium used ENU, a chemical that causes random mutations in sperm of mice that were subsequently mated with females.该协会采用ENU,一种可导致小鼠精子随机突变的化学物质,突变后将雄性小鼠同雌性小鼠交配。

2.In this paper, two new scant hair mice were obtained by ENU inducing and mutant genes were mapped on chromosome.本文即用ENU诱变获得了两例新的稀毛小鼠并对突变基因进行了染色体定位。

3.To install the KB824146scan. Exe tool, double-cpck the Dcom-kb827363-x86-enu. Exe installation package that you downloaded.要安装KB823980scan.exe工具,请双击下载的Dcom-kb827363-x86-CHS.exe安装程序包。

4.Double-cpck the LCS2005-KB911996-x86-ENU. Msi program file on your hard disk to begin installation.双击位于硬盘上的LCS2005-KB911996-x86-ENU.msi程序文件开始安装。

5.Project2000-kb920101-fullfile-enu. Exe: You might need to provide the installation source during patch installation.Project2000-kb920101-fullfile-chs.exe:您可能需要在修补程序安装期间提供安装源。

6.Run BTS2004-SP1-ENU. Exe from the designated folder.从指定文件夹运行“BTS2004-SP1-CHS.exe”。

7.OneNote2003SP1-kb842774-cpent-enu. Exe: You should download this file if you have access to your original product CD-ROM.OneNote2003SP1-kb842774-cpent-chs.exe:如果具有原始产品CD-ROM的访问权,则应该下载此文件。

8.You should also try downloading and running the file Office2003SP2-kb887616-fullfile-enu. Exe.您还应尝试下载和运行Office2003SP2-kb887616-fullfile-chs.exe文件。

9.Office2000-kb895333-cpent-enu. Exe: You should download this file if you have access to your original product CD-ROM.office2000-kb895333-cpent-chs.exe:如果您可以访问原始产品的CD-ROM,则应下载此文件。

10.To upgrade the collection server, you must copy FCScs-kb939366-x86-enu. Msi from the UpgradePackage folder to the collection server.要升级收集服务器,您必须将FCScs-kb939366-x86-enu.msi从UpgradePackage文件夹复制到收集服务器。