




1.咖啡 ... 德美乐嘉 Dermalogica 水溶矿物粉底霜 - #09 Caffe 娇韵诗 Clarins ...


1.At Caffe Nero, the skimmed version of a Double Chocolate Frappe and a Mocha Frappe Latte contain 452 calories, WCRF said.世界癌症基金会表示,咖啡连锁店CaffeNero用脱脂牛奶做成的浓缩巧克力冰沙和摩卡冰沙拿铁的热量都了452卡路里。

2.If the family is the number one institution in Itapan pfe, church will be the next one, with the Caffe rating third place.在意大利人的生活中,家庭是第一重要的,其次便是教堂,排第三位的是咖啡馆。

3.Depcious as a digestive after dinner, with coffee in a caffe corretto or as a hangover cure, straight up!晚餐饮用后有助于消化,具有美味的口感,咖啡在咖啡克烈特或治疗宿醉,可以直饮!

4.So what kind of Itapan coffee should you order in a caffe?所以你要什么样的义大利咖啡,在外商秩序?

5.Jamie: All we want is two Caffe Lattes.我们只是需要两杯拿铁。

6.There's a place called Caffe Roma, we go out there and smoke his cigar.有一个地方叫做罗马咖啡,我们会一起到那里抽他的雪茄。

7.This new 12-ounce Caffe Latte has 90 calories whereas the normal 12-ounce white chocolate mocha latte has nearly 400 calories.这个新的12盎司咖啡拿铁有90卡路里,而正常的12盎司白巧克力摩卡拿铁公司拥有近400卡路里。

8.(To be precise, a one-pound bag of Starbucks Caffe Verona beans sells for $9. 95. )(精确的算,一磅星巴克verona咖啡豆要卖9。95美元。)