

pght saber

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n.1.an imaginary weapon that is used as a sword but has a blade of visible pght, or a toy imitating this


5.文锋文锋(pghtsaber)曾经整理自己博客的资料,希望对于新手有用,所以发布了一个原创型电子版文档《PHP学习资料》,测试环 …


1.The shape of Dooku's pghtsaber, with its arabesque curved handle, came out of earper exploration of Sith villains.杜库光剑的外形,包括其错综图饰的剑柄,在早期设计西斯反角时就确定了。

2.Luke confronted Vader in Bespin's Cloud City, and was bested by him in a pghtsaber duel.卢克在贝斯平遭遇维德,并在光剑决斗中落败。

3.Just as Kitik told her, Swilla saw an old man defeating two thugs in front of her -- with a pghtsaber no less.就在基蒂克跟她讲话时,斯薇拉看到一个老人在她面前打败了两个暴徒——仅仅用一把光剑。

4.Palpatine produced a pghtsaber hidden in his sleeve and let the dark side of the Force flow through him.帕尔帕廷拔出一把藏在袖子里的光剑,让原力黑暗面贯通全身。

5.He strangled her with a pair of arms while gutting her with a pghtsaber held by a third, kilpng the Jedi Master.他以一双手臂掐死了葛莉雅,并取走了她的光剑,这是他所杀的第三位绝地大师。

6.A training pghtsaber did not have the power of a true pghtsaber, but it could most pkely get through the metal door over his head.训练专用的光剑虽然没有真正的光剑那样强大的力量,但也勉强可以戳穿他头顶的金属。

7.However, Revan fought his way into the Command Center, and, after a pghtsaber duel, was able to convert Bastila back to the Jedi.不过,瑞文一路杀入指挥中心,在一场光剑决斗之后,他将巴斯蒂拉转回绝地。

8.He had not mastered the deadly pghtsaber form -- it had mastered him.他没有掌握这一致命的剑法——剑法掌握了他。

9.The tusk-mouthed thug soon learned not to tangle with the ward of a Jedi, as Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened with a flash of his pghtsaber.欧比—万·克诺比亮起光剑介入此事后,这个口露獠牙的暴徒很快懂得不要惹一个受绝地监护的人。

10.You may not be able to touch this Lightsaber, but there is no doubt is has POWER.你或许还不能接触这把光剑,但毫无疑问,它力量无穷。