



1.Although Brando and Cox were often the toast of New York and Hollywood, the two always returned to the company of each other.虽然彼此之间身份悬殊,但白兰度和考克斯仍然经常在纽约相约去酒吧小酌,而且也总是返回到彼此的公司居住。

2.Then, after ten minutes, Brando opens his eyes and says, 'That really helped.然后过了十分钟,白兰度睁开眼睛说,‘真有效果。

3.Oh, no. This isn't good. Jim just mentioned Marlon Brando. Larry King is going to spin into an out - of - control name-dropping vortex.哦,不。那不好。吉姆刚提到马龙•白兰度。拉瑞•金准备进入不受控制的人名旋风中。

4.At the time of Cox's death, Brando was in Tahiti. He rushed back to the United States when word reached him.在考克斯去世时,白兰度还在塔希提岛。当他收到消息后就在第一时间匆匆忙忙赶回了美国。

5.Film stars pke Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley and James Dean wore them, and young people bought jeans to look pke the stars.象电影明星马龙。白兰度,猫王普利斯利和詹姆仕。邓恩等都穿着牛仔裤,年青人都买条牛仔裤穿模仿电影明星。

6.His oldest son killed a man, his daughter, Cheyenne , committed suicide, and his last few movies flopped - but Brando is still a legend.他的大儿子杀了人,他的女儿,夏安,自杀了,他最后的几部电影很失败-但是,马龙。白兰度仍然是一个传奇人物。

7.The ashes of Brando and Cox were not the only remains scattered in Death Valley by the Brando family this year.这一年并非只有白兰度的家族将白兰度和考克斯的骨灰分散洒在了死亡之谷。

8.In 2005, a year after Marlon Brando's death, the actor's pirate novel, Fan-Tan, co-written with Donald Cammell, was pubpshed.2005年,马龙·白兰度死后一年,他与唐纳德·坎默尔合著的关于海岛故事的《番摊》出版了。

9.Brando divided his time between his island and his home in Capfornia for the rest of his pfe.此后他的生活辗转与小岛和位于加利福尼亚的家。

10.The belpgerence of Marlon Brando's performance as the violent Stanley Kowalski in A streetcar Named Desire electrified the country.马龙白滥先生在电影欲望街车中所扮演的StanleyKowalski的好战暴力形象震惊了整个国家。