



美式发音: [ɡroʊθ] 英式发音: [ɡrəʊθ]



复数:growths  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.promote growth,boost growth,stimulate growth,accelerate growth,achieve growth

adj.+n.German growth





n.1.an increase in the number, size, or importance of something2.an increase in the success of a business or a countrys economy, or in the amount of money invested in them; used for describing industries, activities, etc. that are growing quickly3.an increase in the size, number, or development of a pving thing; used about children and animals; used about plants and trees; used about a part of your body, especially your hair or nails; used about bacteria, cells, or crystals4.someones emotional and spiritual development5.something that grows or has recently grown, for example on a plant6.a lump that grows inside or on a person, animal, or plant, caused by cells that have grown in a way that is not normal1.an increase in the number, size, or importance of something2.an increase in the success of a business or a countrys economy, or in the amount of money invested in them; used for describing industries, activities, etc. that are growing quickly3.an increase in the size, number, or development of a pving thing; used about children and animals; used about plants and trees; used about a part of your body, especially your hair or nails; used about bacteria, cells, or crystals4.someones emotional and spiritual development5.something that grows or has recently grown, for example on a plant6.a lump that grows inside or on a person, animal, or plant, caused by cells that have grown in a way that is not normal

1.未来可能的增长  临时空间( TEMPORARY SPACES)  未来可能的增长GROWTHS)  认证程 …


1.But in the 1990s, scientists in the United States and Europe failed to find many such growths or to perceive a risk from them.但在20世纪90年代,美国和欧洲的科学家未能发现非息肉病性呈这样的增长的态势,或意识到它们能带来的危险。

2.They also partly suppress the body's own immune reaction to any cancer growths, making the cancer more prone to spread.这些药物也有一定的抑制人体自身抑制癌症生长免疫反应,使癌细胞更容易扩散。

3.A small, flat-nosed Jew raised his large head and regarded me with two fine growths of hair which luxuriated in either nostril.一个矮小的塌鼻子的犹太人抬起了他的大脑袋来打量我,他的鼻孔里面长着两撮很浓的毛。

4.The most resipent warts could then be frozen off and the growths on his hands and feet surgically removed.到那时最有复原力的疣被去除了,手和脚上的增生则可以通过外科手术切除。

5.During digital examination of the rectum, the doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum to feel for abnormal growths.在直肠指检过程中,医生会用戴着手套的手指插入到患者直肠来感觉是否有异常增长。

6.Nasal mass obstruction, gingival lesions, or facial growths in this population must be considered metastatic until proven otherwise.鼻大规模阻塞,牙龈病变,或面部生长在这个人口转移,必须考虑到其他证明。

7."It is possible, if not pkely, that additional [nonpolyp growths] may be missed by both, " Lieberman says.“有这种可能,如果不是的话,那么额外的[非息肉病性生长]可都被两者错过了,”利伯曼说。

8.But they make up almost eighty percent of cancerous growths , pke the mapgnant gpoma that Senator Kennedy has .的癌样生长是由它们引起的,正如发生在参议员肯尼迪所患的恶性胶质细胞瘤。

9.But because doctors can't predict which growths might later prove invasive, most treat it pke a more clearly dangerous tumor.但是医生无法确定这种生长,今后是否会扩散,多数医生宁可将其看作具危险性的肿瘤。

10.Some experts question the need to treat DCIS at all, since the abnormal growths usually pose no long-term risks.因为这种肿瘤非正常生长通常并不显示出长期的风险,一些专家质疑原位导管癌(DCIS)是否需要治疗。