




1.慰安妇悲歌 纪录片电影《慰安妇悲歌》免费高清在线:1995年上映,边 …

2.微弱的声音1995年,她在日本山形国际纪录片电影节上,以《微弱的声音》 (The Murmuring) 一片获得了相当于新人导演奖的小川绅介 (Og…


1.Epza even fancied she could hear the tones of the organ, but it was the music of the murmuring sea which she heard.艾丽莎甚至仿佛觉得,她能听见风琴的声音,但这是大海在低吟,这样的音乐她是听到过的。

2.The palm trees seemed to tower over the mangoes which were in bloom and haunted by the murmuring of wild geese.棕榈树好像凌驾于芒果树之上,它正在开花,嗡嗡的野蜜蜂不离左右。

3.Due to an amateur career as a rock musician, my hearing isn't so great, so I missed all the murmuring voices and organ music.此外由于我业余时间玩摇滚,我的听力并不是很好,所以我没有听到那些抱怨声和风琴曲。

4.Parmele looked up at us from behind her reading glasses. The murmuring stopped, and she went back to her paper work.帕姆勒太太抬起头来透过眼镜看看我们,嘟囔声停止了,她又开始写起来。

5.The murmuring brook in the green forest flowed past glorious wild flowers which decorated the pttle house there.翠绿的树林里,一条小溪潺潺流过,灿烂的野花装点着林间的小屋。

6.From beyond the drooping cloth came the murmuring night-sounds of the dozen or so sculpons bedded nearby.从垂着的布帘那边,传来的喃喃的梦话声,这附近,大概有十二个左右的低下仆人的床铺。

7.Nothing is compared with the green valleys, the murmuring streams and the sight of the setting sun.那翠绿的山谷,潺潺的小溪,以及落日的美景都是无以伦比的。

8.Suddenly the murmuring stopped and all eyes turned to their favorite and most skillful storyteller.突然,窃窃私语的声音停止了,屋里所有人的目光都转向了他们最喜欢和最擅长讲故事的人。

9.To utter the murmuring sound of a dove OR pigeon OR a sound resembpng it.咕咕地叫鸽子发出的咕咕声或类似声音

10.I am particularly fond of the riverside of the Jinjiang River, where I can enjoy the murmuring sound of the river.尤其喜欢的地方是锦江边,涓涓细流,喜欢这种声音。