




1.我敬拜祢 Mother's Love 母亲的爱 We Worship You 我敬拜祢 He Is Risen 祂已复活 ...

2.来敬拜祢 来敬拜祢 We worship You 我们要欢迎祢来临 We pft Your holy name on high ...

3.來敬拜 來敬拜
We worship You 喜樂泉源2/3喜樂泉源 Gpvoubjo!pg!Kpz! ...

4.來敬拜祢 ... 來敬拜祢 We worship You 我们要欢迎祢來臨 We pft Your holy name on high ...

5.我敬拜你 靠近神的怀中 Near To Heart Of the God 我敬拜你 We Worship YOU 挪亚方舟惊世启示 蔡少芬访问片段 www.media.org.hk ...

6.钦崇祢 ... 至圣基督,(我们)钦崇祢, Holy One,we worship You, 生命之粮,(我们)钦崇祢, Bread of Life,we wo


1.Lord, we not only worship You as the speaking God, but even more we worship You that You are the Word and this Word is the Spirit.主,我们不只敬拜你是说话的神,我们更敬拜你就是话;这话就是灵。

2.we worship You, serve You, and dispense You to people.我们敬拜你,事奉你,传扬你,也把你分赐给人。

3.As we worship you today, please strengthen our relationship with you as never before.今天当我们敬拜祢时,求祢大大加深我们与祢的关系。

4.We worship you today! Praise your name, because who you are and what you have done for us.因你是谁和你为我们所做的,我们颂赞你的圣名!