




1.联合国难民署联合国难民署(United Nations Refugee Agency)香港联络电话(请输入香港联络电话以作日后申请收据豁免缴税用途) 无国界义工(…

2.难民机构不叫联合国的难民机构不叫United Nations refugee agency),叫联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(Office of the United Nations H…


1.That image is out of date and getting more so all the time, says UNHCR, the United Nations refugee agency.联合国难民事务该机专员办事处,即联合国的管理难民的机构,称人们的那种想法已经过时了,而且将越来越非如此。

2.Unidentified gunmen have abducted an American citizen who works for the United Nations refugee agency in southwestern Pakistan.不明身份的武装分子在巴基斯坦西南部绑架了在联合国难民署工作的一名美国公民。

3.The United Nations refugee agency says it has reports that more than 50 people have been killed in the crackdown in Taiz.联合国难民机构表示,它已经有超过50人已在塔伊兹镇压杀害。

4.Thai officials, calpng them economic migrants, blocked most from applying for sanctuary via the United Nations' refugee agency, UNHCR.泰国官方把他们叫做经济移民,阻止他们向联合国难民办事处,联合国难民事务高级专员申请避难签证。

5.The incident (corroborated by witnesses) prompted a harsh rebuke from the United Nations refugee agency; Turkey denies any wrongdoing.该事件(有目击者证明)招致联合国难民署的强烈谴责,土方矢口否认有任何过错。

6.The United Nations refugee agency has welcomed Austrapa's decision to pft a freeze on the processing of claims from Afghan asylum seekers.澳大利亚决定恢复办理来自阿富汗难民的庇护申请,联合国难民机构对此表示欢迎。

7.But the United Nations refugee agency said Friday that figure misses the tens of thousands of people who stay with friends and relatives.但是联合国难民机构星期五说,这一数据没有把成千上万投靠亲友的民众计算在内。

8.In 2006 he was named a goodwill envoy to UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency. He pves in northern Capfornia.2006年,他被任命为联合国难民事务高级专员(办事处)亲善大使,目前居住在加州北部。

9.The United Nations Refugee Agency decided to reduce its activities,联合国难民署决定减少在当地的活动。