




1.养老院 ... the ~ of the gold standard 黄金本位制的制定 an ~ for the aged 养老院 《institute 的名词》名词>> ...

2.英文是 ... 从栖贤寺“下山”英文用了“ back way” “老年人使用”,英文是For the aged” ...


1.Her husband had been made mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her word for the aged.她丈夫被任命为市长,Myra本人因她为老年人所做的承诺获得了奖牌。

2.Eighty-seven year old Raymond Ward had been a resident of the Newark Home for the Aged for only two weeks.八十七岁的雷蒙德·沃德已在纽瓦克养老院生活了两个星期。

3.Later the same month, the Netherlands gave the go-ahead for a replacement for the aged Petten reactor to be built at the same site.就在11月当月末,荷兰决定推进在设备老化的佩滕反应堆同一地点兴建替代项目。

4.Miss Green is bound up in her work for the aged.格林女士热衷于她为老人服务的工作。

5.The apartments for the aged with a friendly atmosphere and impeccable personal service sincerely welcome the aged to move in.本老年公寓友好的气氛和完美无缺的个别服务竭诚欢迎老年朋友入住。

6.school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged.每个国家都有许多善良的人们帮助照顾别人。例如,美国的一些高中生和大学生经常花好多时间在医院、孤儿院或老人院做志愿者。

7.Nowadays aging of population has become an inevitable trend, which gives out a tough task of caring for the aged.在人口老龄化成为大趋势的今天,老年人的养老题目显得尤为突出。

8.Objective To investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the suprapubic transvesical prostatectomy for the aged.目的探讨高龄患者耻骨上经膀胱前列腺摘除术的优缺点。

9.Objective: To explore the integrated service mode of prevention, treatment, health care and rehabiptation for the aged of the community.目的:探索社区老年人预防、治疗、保健、康复一体化的服务模式。

10.The research proposed a solution in a new way, namely constructing and developing residential facipties for the aged in city community.本研究提出了一种解决问题的新思路,即城市养老居住设施的“社区化”发展建设。