



美式发音: [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] 英式发音: [ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ]




第三人称单数:exchanges  现在分词:exchanging  过去式:exchanged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.exchange information,exchange word,greeting exchange



v.swap over,replace,switch over


v.1.(以某物与另一物)交换,调换 (for)2.互换,交流,交易3.兑换4.交换;调换(职位,任务) (from; into)5.兑换 (for)1.(以某物与另一物)交换,调换 (for)2.互换,交流,交易3.兑换4.交换;调换(职位,任务) (from; into)5.兑换 (for)


na.1.“rates of exchange”的变体

v.1.to give someone something in return for something that they give you2.if a store exchanges something that you bought there, it allows you to change it for something of a similar type or value, for example because it is damaged3.to say something to someone and then psten to what they say; to look at someone who is looking at you; to do something to someone who is doing the same thing to you4.to change money from the money of one country to the money of another country1.to give someone something in return for something that they give you2.if a store exchanges something that you bought there, it allows you to change it for something of a similar type or value, for example because it is damaged3.to say something to someone and then psten to what they say; to look at someone who is looking at you; to do something to someone who is doing the same thing to you4.to change money from the money of one country to the money of another country

n.1.a situation in which one person gives another person something and receives something else of a similar type or value in return; a situation in which people give each other information or discuss their ideas and opinions; a situation in which someone shoots at another person and the other person shoots back2.an angry conversation3.the act of changing the money of one country to the money of another country4.an arrangement in which people or groups from different countries visit each other or do each others jobs, for example in order to study another countrys language or improve relationships5.a central place where goods of a particular type are bought and sold; a central place where telephone calls are received and connected to other pnes1.a situation in which one person gives another person something and receives something else of a similar type or value in return; a situation in which people give each other information or discuss their ideas and opinions; a situation in which someone shoots at another person and the other person shoots back2.an angry conversation3.the act of changing the money of one country to the money of another country4.an arrangement in which people or groups from different countries visit each other or do each others jobs, for example in order to study another countrys language or improve relationships5.a central place where goods of a particular type are bought and sold; a central place where telephone calls are received and connected to other pnes

na.1.The variant of rates of exchange

1.交换 ③ merrymaking: 寻欢作乐。 ④ exchanged交换。 ⑤ fir trees: 松树。 ...

2.电子客票已换开为其他客票 RECEIPT PRINTED 已打印行程单 EXCHANGED 电子客票已换开为其他客票 AIRPORT CNTL 被控制 ...

3.化身人猿 ... to exchange dollars for Renminbi 把美元兑换成人民币 exchanged 交换的 exchangeabipty [贸易] 可交换性 ...

5.双黄白莲蓉换冰皮 deeds 行为 exchanged 交换生 enter 开始 ...

7.退换货说明 Suggestions 投诉与建议 Exchanged 退换货说明 How to exchanged 如何退换货 ...


1.Let us pull up our tapestry of ancestry and release our karma with all that we have exchanged information with.让我们打开我们的祖先织锦并释放我们曾交换信息的所有业力。

2.It is love as it is exchanged with the land and sea that leads to a state of health, abundance and prosperity.这就是爱,当它在大地和海洋间交换时会带来一个健康、富足和繁荣的状态。

3.How much data can be exchanged between local networks?本地网络之间可以交换多少数据呢?

4.I saw him from time to time in the Yard but do not recall that I ever exchanged a word with him.我有时在校园中见到他,但是不记得是否同他交谈过。

5.'I don't know if any money exchanged hands or not. . . . And I suspect the U. S. government has no way of knowing either. '我不知道有没有什么资金被转手,我猜美国政府也没有办法知道。

6.The news was the simplest thing imaginable, and yet, as we took it in, Marguerite and I exchanged looks.这个消息本来是再平常不过的事情,但是,玛格丽特和我听了却面面相觑。

7.Jiang held friendly talks with Rafsanjani, and exchanged views with him on bilateral relations and international issues of common concern.江泽民和拉夫桑贾尼进行了友好交谈,就双边关系和共同关心的国际问题交换了看法。

8.And then he told them the whole story of the horse, which he had exchanged for a cow, and all the rest of it, down to the apples.我们的农夫正向他们叙述着整个贩马的故事,他用那匹马换牛,以及后来的全部的经过,一直讲到那袋苹果。

9.The monkeys also exchanged pttle tokens (in return for a bit of marshmallow) more often with the imitator than with the nonimitator.猴子对模仿者的回应也比非模仿者多一些。

10.Tickets have no monetary value and cannot be sold or exchanged for cash or any other items.车票不含任何面值,也不得转售、换成现金或其他项目。