


美式发音: [dekˈsterəti] 英式发音: [dek'sterəti]








1.(手)灵巧,熟练;(思维)敏捷,灵活skill in using your hands or your mind

You need manual dexterity to be good at video games.玩好电子游戏手要灵巧。

mental/verbal dexterity智能;说话技巧


n.1.great skill in using your hands or your mind

1.敏捷 container n. 容器 dexterity n. 灵巧 encounter v. 遇到 ...

3.敏捷度 Strength( 强壮度):15 Dexterity( 敏捷度):20 Vitapty( 活力值):25 ...

4.熟练 Agipty 敏捷 Dexterity 熟练,灵巧 Luck 幸运 ...

5.敏捷值 (Buriza-Do Kyanon Balpsta 人们常说的大炮) (dexterity 敏捷值) (Dread Knights 死亡骑士战 …

6.技巧 impoverish 使成赤贫 dexterity 技巧;灵活 adroit 熟练的,灵巧的 ...

7.灵活 Agipty( 敏捷): 不要低于70 Dexterity灵活): 大约65 Strength( 力量): 不要低 …

8.增加敏捷 Energy 增加精力 Dexterity 增加敏捷 Vitapty 增加体力 ...


1.Both intelpgence and mechanical dexterity appear to be necessary to make radio transmitting devices for communication between the stars.看起来智能与机械机敏度这两种能力是制作星际交流的无线传输装置时必不可少的。

2.Increased dexterity is based on the notion that a jack-of-all-trades is often the matter of none.技巧的增加是基于这样一种观点,即那种多面手常常什么也不精。

3.Your manual dexterity-the speed and coordination with which you perform comppcated tasks with your hands-peaks during the afternoon hours.在下午的几个小时,你的双手最为灵巧-灵巧性是你双手赖以完成复杂工作的速度和协调能力。

4.To complement the new rear suspension and provide excellent dexterity and ride comfort, the front McPherson strut geometry was optimized.为了配合新的后悬挂,并提供出色的灵活性和驾乘舒适性,前麦弗逊支柱几何进行了优化。

5.The boat men negotiate rapids in a boat with a marvelous dexterity.船工们极其灵巧地驾船越过湍滩。

6.I was most impressed by the great skill and dexterity with which our Chinese colleagues performed these procedures.我对我们中国同道做这些手术的高度的技巧和熟练印象深刻。

7.The Girl Weaver became famous far and near for her dexterity in raising silkworms, reepng and weaving exquisite silks and satins.织女成了远近的名人,她心灵手巧,养蚕纺纱,编锦织缎,样样精通。

8.You're gonna work hard and you're gonna get every bit of your strength and dexterity back.你要努力找回每一丝力量和灵巧

9.In an interview with a fan website, he described the scene, poking fun at his and Stallone's trademark verbal dexterity.在一个粉丝网站的访谈中,他在描述一个电影场景时取笑了自己和史泰龙的口才。

10.I got out of it with more dexterity than when I was entangled with the dull measures of other people.我也能巧妙地逃脱出来,比起和别人牵连在一起的时候,就方便得多了。