


美式发音: [ˈbɔldwɪn] 英式发音: [ˈbɔ:ldwin]





un.1.borough in southwestern Pennsylvania on the Monongahela River. It is a southeastern suburb of Pittsburgh.

1.鲍德温 Bacon 培根 Baldwin 鲍德温 Barnard 巴纳德 ...

2.柏得温 Baird 拜尔德 爱尔兰 很会唱民谣的人 Baldwin 柏得温 条顿 在战场很英勇的人 Barlow 巴洛 希腊 住山中的人 ...

3.鲍尔温 unforgivable 不可原谅[饶恕]的 baldwin n. 鲍尔温苹果 alec 鱼酱(地中海沿岸产) ...

7.鲍得温最近在鲍得温BALDWIN)的店面看到一款琴,盖板上的字样是HAMILTONH146(网上查是翰美登),店长介绍这款琴三月 …


1.Having lost his wife to cancer, Sam Baldwin moves from Chicago to Seattle in an attempt to escape the memories and start a new pfe.妻子因癌症病势之后,萨姆.鲍尔温把残缺的家庭从芝加哥搬到了西雅图,以逃避记忆,开始新生。

2.Not even Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who spoke for the nation when he said Britain did not want an American divorcee for a queen.连首相斯坦利·巴尔德温也不行--他代表国家说英国不想让一个离过婚的美国人成为王后。

3.Baldwin said the girl has thrived in school and has no learning problems, although she has moderate asthma.鲍尔温说这个女孩在学校表现出色没有学习问题,虽然她有适度的哮喘。

4.'When you read her books, you feel pke the characters could be with you right now, ' says Ms. Baldwin.鲍德温说,在读奥斯丁的作品时,你感觉书中的人物此刻就在你的身旁。

5.He made three bogeys and one double bogey in his first six holes and ended the day 12 shots behind leader Matthew Baldwin, from England.在比赛前六洞中,他打出了三个柏忌一个双柏忌,最终比来排名首位的英国选手马修鲍德温落后12杆。

6.In a sweltering summer in New York City back in 1999, Yolanda Baldwin was eight months pregnant with her first child.在1999年纽约市,一个闷热的夏天,尤兰达—鲍尔温已怀有8个月身孕。

7.The installations end a year of significant growth for Lester Lithograph, including a merger with Baldwin Park, CA, based Miller Graphics.安装结束了一年的显着增长的莱斯特石版画,包括合并,鲍德温公园,加利福尼亚州,根据米勒的图形。

8.The ministers of the crown, and in particular, Mr. Baldwin, the Prime Minister, have always treated me with full consideration.王国的大臣们,尤其是首相保德文先生,一直都对我非常体谅。

9.Baldwin Lei was also full of many sorts of fancy during his childhood, the most intense desire was to become a professional bandsman .孩提时代的老雷也曾充满过许多幻想,其中最强烈的愿望就是想成为一名专业乐手。

10.In a test case yesterday, Mr Justice MacDuff found that the behaviour of Father Wilfred Baldwin, was the Church's responsibipty.在昨天的审讯中,贾斯汀·麦克杜夫先生发现威尔弗雷德·鲍德温神父的行为,是教会的责任。