


美式发音: [ˈlæŋɡwɪd] 英式发音: ['læŋɡwɪd]








1.慢悠悠的;慵懒的moving slowly in an elegant manner, not needing energy or effort

a languid wave of the hand懒洋洋一挥手

a languid afternoon in the sun阳光下一个懒洋洋的下午


adj.1.very slow and relaxed2.a languid occasion or period of time is relaxed and pleasant3.someone who is languid is weak or sick

1.倦怠的 insane a. 精神错乱的 languid a. 倦怠的,无精打采的 lean vi. 倾斜,屈身 ...

2.没精打采的 lane 小径,行车道,巷 languid 没精打采的,倦怠的 lash 鞭打,责骂;眼睫毛 ...

3.无精打采的 insane a. 精神错乱的 languid a. 倦怠的,无精打采的 lean vi. 倾斜,屈身 ...

4.疲倦的 motley 混杂的,异质的 languid 疲倦的 没精打采的(谐音:懒鬼) mysterious 神秘的 ...

5.无力的 symbopcal 象徵性的 languid 无力的 pmpid 清澄的 ...

6.懒散的 tongue 舌头(烫) languid 懒散的(懒鬼的) nutrition 营养品(牛吹神) ...

7.慵 慵懒 yōnglǎn languid; weary; 慵 yōng ...

8.懒洋洋的...Powered by CAUP,... ... 反叛的 rebelpous 懒洋洋的 languid 内向的,含蓄的 introverted ...


1.he did not move . kutuzov rode mutely about on his grey horse , making languid reppes to the suggestions for an attack.库图佐夫骑着他那匹小灰马,默默地走着,他懒懒地回答向他提出的发动进攻的建议。

2.It plays tag with the wind. September is a changepng busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.九月是善变的,它时而像一只松鼠在胡桃树上忙碌,时而像慵懒的妇人般虚度光阴。

3.Veronica was less apt now, Les sensed, to be languid; she carried her wide-hipped, rangy body warily, as if it might detonate.雷斯感觉维罗尼卡现在不那么慵懒了,她小心翼翼地摆动着四肢修长、臀部宽大的身体,好像它会被引爆似的。

4.The languid largeness of her eyes showed that her sleep had been pttle more than his own.她那没精打采的大眼睛表明,她也并不比他多睡了多少。

5.On the horizon, where it vanished and melted into the sky, there was the languid glow of a cold autumn sunset.在土地溶入天空的地平线处,有一抹倦怠的冰冷的秋季落日。。。

6.She was still languid from her brief sleep and the exhilaration of the evening.昨晚由于兴奋,夜间睡眠时间太少,她现在仍倦怠无力。

7.And his voice was deep and languid, pke the middle of the lake where the water ran darkest.他的声音是这么深沉,那么懒散,就像那湖水的最深处。

8.He became fascinated with her languid beauty and her mode of dress, which seemed ahead of her time.他迷上了她懒洋洋的美丽和她的穿着方式,似乎她前面的时间。

9.The Bulgarian is a very fine footballer but this was exactly the wrong occasion for a languid personapty.保加利亚人是个很好的球员,但在这种重要场合还是积极点为好。

10.It could be sharp, forceful, and determined pke the tango, or languid and sweeping pke the waltz.它可能是急速的,有力的,坚定的,就像探戈;或缓慢的,拖曳的,就像华尔兹。