


美式发音: [məˈkɑbrə] 英式发音: [məˈkɑːbrə]







1.可怕的,恐怖的(尤指与死亡等相联系的)unpleasant and strange because connected with death and frightening things

a macabre tale/joke/ritual令人毛骨悚然的故事╱笑话╱仪式


adj.1.frightening or unpleasant, and usually involving death, decay, or violence

1.恐怖的 乡巴佬: Bumpkin 恐怖的,可怕的: Macabre 金玉其外,败絮其中: Apple of Sodom ...

2.可怕的 乡巴佬: Bumpkin 恐怖的,可怕的Macabre 金玉其外,败絮其中: Apple of Sodom ...

3.骇人的 tare 莠草,杂草 macabre 骇人的,可怖的 sabre 军刀,击剑用刀 ...

4.可怖的 tare 莠草,杂草 macabre 骇人的,可怖的 sabre 军刀,击剑用刀 ...

5.恐怖之旅 lassitude -n. 无精打采 macabre -a. 令人毛骨悚然的 nape -n. 项,颈背,后颈 ...

7.血肉盛宴上一条:切除(Excision) 下一条:血肉盛宴(Macabre) 当前位置: 首页>>高清电影 >>恐怖片 年代地区: 2012 美国 清 晰 度: 1920*…


1.Love? This wasn't love! This was madness. Insanity. He was crazy. He'd taken something of beauty and twisted it into macabre reapty.爱?这不是爱!这是病态的。他是个疯子。他将美好的事物撕烂,丢进了这残酷的现实中。

2.Are members of a macabre, secretive order of scholars seeking to understand the true nature of death.分布于整个费轮大陆的永亡僧侣是可怕的,沉默寡言的追求死亡的真实本质的学者。

3.In his introductory monologue, he tried to point out that he was a nice guy despite his sometimes macabre roles.他在介绍词中特意指出,自己其实是一个很好的人,尽管有时会饰演一些可怕的角色。

4.You're outbid at an auction for a macabre piece of art that you just must have.你在一次拍卖中输掉一个价格惊人但是你就是非常想要的艺术品。

5.Estate planning was never cheerful, but now it is getting downright macabre, at least for the tax averse.遗产规划从来就不是令人愉快的事,但现在它简直变得恐怖,至少对于不愿缴税的人来说是如此。

6.I also read a review that said their onstage antics are way more bizarre and macabre than they used to be.我也读了一些评论说他们在舞台上的丑态比他们平时更奇异和恐怖。

7.I hate to sound macabre, but I'm actually a pttle excited, from a historical point-of-view.在这个历史瞬间我有点兴奋-听起来可能有点可怕。

8.The pghts went out, ' she said, noting that motivations can range from the macabre to the moral.她指出,黑暗观光的动因多种多样,有的和死亡有关,有的和道德有关。

9.Yet this is only the latest, macabre , technique in a country that suffers an epidemic of suicides.然而,这只不过是最新的,恐怕的一种手段而已,但在日本却已引发了自杀潮。

10.Dance Macabre, high technology wins, let us look forward to them in the national finals of the wonderful performance!群魔乱舞,技高者胜,让我们一起期待他们在全国总决赛的精彩表现!