


美式发音: [ˈidɪkt] 英式发音: [ˈiːdɪkt]



复数:edicts  同义词




1.法令;命令;敕令an official order or statement given by sb in authority


n.1.an official order given by a government or person in authority

1.法令 (contradict 反驳+ ) edict n 法令;布告 (juris 司法+ ...

2.布告 (contradict 反驳+ ) edict n 法令;布告 (juris 司法+ ...

3.命令 ecumenical 世界范围的 edict 法令;命令 eerie 可怕的,阴森恐怖的 ...

4.诏书 dictionary dictum 格言 edict 诏书,敕令 indicate 显示 ...

5.敕令 dictionary dictum 格言 edict 诏书,敕令 indicate 显示 ...

6.谕旨 Ecumenism( 教会联合) Edict( 谕旨) Edict of Worms( 沃木斯谕旨) ...

7.法令公告 ... 7. edgy:a. 1. 紧张的,急躁的2.刀口锐利的,尖锐的 8. edict:n. 法令公告 9. edifice:n. 宏伟的建筑物 ...

8.告令所谓“告令”(Edict)或“裁判官”的年度布告已被日益重 视,并用作法律改革的主要手段,而哥尼流·西拉(L.Cornepus Sylla)把 …


1.And the king commanded that it should be so done. And forthwith the edict was hung up in Susan, and the ten sons of Aman were hanged.王就下令照办。于是在稣撒发出了一道谕旨,要把哈曼的十个儿子悬在刑架上。

2.A 'no gifts' edict for a child's birthday party would seem to be a juggler's dream, on both sides of the invitation.对孩子生日聚会的主、客双方来说,“不带礼物”的通知看上去都应该是最美不过的事了。

3.If I were a mayor for a day, I'd pass an edict that every utipty company digging up an urban street would have to pay a tree tax in kind.如果我可以做一天市长,我会推出一项法令,每一个公共事业的公司必须为城市的街道缴纳一些树木的实用税项。

4.And many still seem to be ignoring his edict to give up throwing stones and stick to peaceful protest.很多人似乎要不顾他的布告放弃丢掷石头和木棍,采取和平抗议。

5.In fact, an anxiousness to be thought of as a sincere person and a good administrator is present in nearly every edict. . .事实上,几乎每条法令都透露出他热切地想要成为一个正直的人以及一个优秀统治者的心愿。

6.The edict added that the felons in German jails "shall be emptied out" and sent to England "for the better peoppng of that country. "布告还补充说德国监狱里的罪犯“应该全数出狱”,并遣送到英格兰“这样能在那个国家更好的生活。”

7.If I were king, I would be addressed as "Your Majesty" and every word of mine would become a "royal edict " .我若为王,我的姓名就会改作:“万岁”,找的每一句话都成为:“圣旨”。

8.Wilson's edict, too, has been turned upside down: in many ways, what has been bad for GM has been bad for much of America.威尔逊的格言也完全颠倒:在许多方面,对通用汽车不利的事情,对美国很多人也不利。

9.Now, however, the semi-independent status of the City is being challenged by an edict from central government.但如今,伦敦金融城的半独立地位受到了中央政策新规的挑战。

10.Troops into the palace the night looking for the Emperor "edict end of the war, " the record album.进入皇宫的部队,通宵寻找天皇“终战诏书”的录音唱片。