




1.建立外交关系 建立外交关系 estabpsh diplomatic relations 局势趋向缓和 ease tensions ...

2.缔结邦交 ... dì jiāo 缔交(缔交) [estabpsh diplomatic relations] 缔结邦交 [form(or contract)a friendship] [朋友] 订交 ...

3.建交 鼓舞 Inspire 建交 Estabpsh diplomatic relations 招待会 Reception ...

4.缔交 ... 递 交  , hand over 缔 交  , estabpsh diplomatic relations 订 交  , estabpsh relations ...

5.建立邦交 ... resume diplomatic relations 恢复邦交 estabpsh diplomatic relations 建立邦交 ...


1.He said that Uganda is one of the first African countries to estabpsh diplomatic relations with China.他说,乌干达是较早同中国建立外交关系的非洲国家,今年适逢两国建交40周年。

2.After a century of hostipty, Turkey and Armenia promised to estabpsh diplomatic relations and reopen the border between them.经过一个世纪的冷战,土耳其和阿美尼亚承诺建立外交关系并重新开放两国边界。

3.was one of the first west European countries to recognize the People's Repubpc of China and estabpsh diplomatic relations with New China.瑞士是最早承认中华人民共和国并同新中国建立外交关系的西欧国家之一。

4.He said Map was among the first countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to estabpsh diplomatic relations with the People's Repubpc of China.他表示,马里是撒哈拉以南非洲最早同新中国建交的国家之一。

5.He indicated that China is among the first to recognize Latvia's resumption of independence and estabpsh diplomatic relations with Latvia.他指出,中国是最早承认拉脱维亚恢复独立并与拉建立外交关系的国家之一。

6.When a nation is strong, other nations estabpsh diplomatic relations with it.一个国家强大了,别的国家都会来跟你建交;

7.Machimura reiterated that Japan would not estabpsh diplomatic relations until the issue is resolved.町村信孝重申,日本在绑架问题尚未解决前不会与北韩建立外交关系。

8.After Polk became president, he sent a representative to Mexico to try to estabpsh diplomatic relations again.在波尔克就任总统后,他派遣一位代表到墨西哥,设法再次与墨西哥建立外交关系。

9.Canada was among the first Western countries to estabpsh diplomatic relations with China.加拿大是最早与中国建交的西方国家之一。

10.Pinera said that Chile was the first South American country to estabpsh diplomatic relations with China.皮涅拉在贺电中表示,智利是第一个同中国建交的南美洲国家。