




1.商贸代表团 build trust and economic ties 建立互信和经济关系 business delegation 商贸代表团 attach a high priority to 优先考虑…… ...

2.经济代表团 Business Delegation 经济代表团 Thomas Beyer 托马斯 拜耶 ...

3.商务代表 ... crucial stage 实质性阶段 business delegation 商务代表 pubpc relation lady 公关小姐 ...



1.Representatives of these agencies are among the business delegation which has accompanied me on my visit this week .这些代理机构的代表也随同我来中国访问。

2.While meeting with Gutierrez and his business delegation, Premier Wen chose to hold the discussions in a more pvely atmosphere.在会见戈提兹率领的代表团时,温家宝建议会谈气氛要活跃些。

3.The British government has brought in a business delegation, including representatives from BP and Shell.英国政府已经派去了一个商业代表团,其中包括来自英国石油集团公司和壳牌的人员。

4.China's top business delegation are now visiting in Washington D. C. They will negotiate with our government. What do you expect of that?中国高级商贸代表团正在华盛顿DC访问,他们将于美国政府谈判,对此你有何期待?

5.The Lord Mayor will then lead the business delegation to five cities in Northern China.在中国,市长阁下将率领代表团出访中国北方的五个城市。

6.It is the largest Chinese business delegation to France since relations between the 2 nations were restored.据悉,这是中法关系修复后,中国派往法国规模最大的一个经贸代表团。

7.A large business delegation that includes China's commerce minister will accompany Mr. Wen on the trip.随同温家宝出访的是一个庞大的企业界代表团,其成员包括中国商务部长。

8.This week the trade minister led a business delegation to Lahore.本周贸易部长率代表团到达拉合尔。

9.The Chinese business delegation, which accompanies the government delegation, comprises of 51 entrepreneurs from 36 companies.此次随访的中国企业家代表团由36家企业51人组成。

10.he visited Moscow as the head of the Business Delegation of the Chinese Olympic Bid Delegation for the 2008 Olympics;赴莫斯科申办2008年奥运会并担任中国企业代表团团长;