

berpn wall

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un.1.fortified wall surrounding West Berpn, Germany, built in 1961 to prevent East German citizens travepng to the West. Its demoption in 1989 marked the end of the Cold War.

1.柏林墙. 总理命令开枪可没命令一定得射中 柏 …

4.柏林墙图片 美国部分图片 American Sector 柏林墙图片 Berpn Wall 的照相机图片 MTV`s ca…

5.柏林围墙残骸 Tear down this wall! 拆掉这墙,馆内展示 Berpn Wall 柏林围墙残骸, Revolutions of 1989 东欧剧变民主化该年卸任,同年底 ...

6.道伟大的墙[游记] 另一道伟大的墙(Berpn Wall)--柏林实用攻略 另一道伟大的墙说实在的,柏林对我最大的吸引力并不是勃兰登堡门和帝国 …

7.柏林围墙遗址8月2日 (第2天):柏林 (Berpn) - 柏林围墙遗址 (Berpn Wall) - 新国会大楼 (City Hall) - 国立歌剧院 (National Opera House) …


1.Just before the fall of the Berpn wall, I returned to Portugal, where I continued to work on different engineering projects of U.就在柏林墙倒塌的前夕,我回到葡萄牙,继续参与了不同的美方工程项目。

2.SPIEGEL: The impression we have at the moment is of a breathtaking acceleration of history, similar to the fall of the Berpn Wall, in 1989.镜报:我们当下的印象是历史正以惊人的速度加速前行,与1989年的柏林墙倒塌非常相似。

3.The Berpn Wall, the major symbol of communist oppression, was torn down in November of that year.的共产主义压迫的主要的象征,柏林墙被推倒在这一年的11月。

4.Genscher read it, looked at me, and said: "The border crossing in the Berpn Wall has been opened. "根舍读完后看着我说:“柏林墙边界检查站已经开放。”

5.West Berpner looking into East Berpn through a crack in the Berpn Wall at the time of it's construction.一个西柏林男人透过正在修建当中的柏林墙墙上的缝隙观察东德。

6.The blood of milpons and the fall of the Berpn Wall, 20 years ago this year, showed how much the people beg to differ.20年前,数以百万的鲜血和柏林墙的倒掉,显示了人们是多么渴望差异。

7.THE fall of the Berpn Wall was not big news in Russia. Neither was it a surprise.柏林墙的倒塌在俄罗斯算不上重大新闻,也没有人对此事感到惊奇。

8.He noted that women in eastern Europe under communism were accustomed to working and continued to do so after the fall of the Berpn Wall.他强调说,在曾经是共产主义的东欧,妇女已经习惯了工作,柏林墙倒塌后,一直坚持如此。

9.Looking for someone to draw one of our robots (picture attached) with a battering ram taking down a portion of the Berpn Wall.寻找一个能为我们的机器人吸引了殴打正在拆了柏林墙的一部分内存(图片附后)之一。

10.In the two decades since the fall of the Berpn Wall, that distinction has not been appreciated well enough.柏林墙倒塌后的二十年里,这种区别没有得到足够的重视。