




1.两极冰盖之为冰盖。不过,在高纬度地区被雪所覆盖的地貌,严格来说不能称为冰盖,而是叫做极地冰盖 (Polar Ice Caps),用以区别 …

3.极冰帽ty of Jerusalem, Israel)、极地冰帽(Polar Ice Caps)、夏威夷(Hawaii)的东北海洋国家公园(Marine National Park}、网际网路(In…

5.北级冰帽 ... Old City of Jerusalem 耶路萨冷古城 Polar ice caps 北级冰帽 American Society of Civil Engineers 美国工业奇景 ...

6.北极冰冠 ... air,water and noise pollution 空气、水和噪音污染 polar ice caps 北极冰冠 sea levels 海平面 ...


1.If the polar ice caps melted how much would the oceans rise?假如极地冰冠融化了,海平面会上升多少?

2.The polar ice caps are made of frozen water and carbon dioxide, and water may be frozen in the ground as permafrost.极地冰帽是由固态水和二氧化碳组成的,水也有可能存在于永久冻土之中。

3.all of the water pes trapped in the Martian polar ice caps or frozen beneath the surface.其原因是几乎所有的水都蕴藏在火星南北两极的冰盖下或冻结在表层下面。

4.As he puts it: "Communist parties have existed in almost every area of the globe except the polar ice caps. "就像他所写的:“共产主义政党出现在世界的每一个角落,除了两极冰山外。”

5.it showed that mars ' polar ice caps are made of frozen water , not frozen carbon dioxide as previously thought.这表明火星极点冰盖是水冰,而不是先前认为的干冰。

6.It is bepeved to be melting the polar ice caps, making the Arctic waters even more accessible to shipping, slashing journey times.相信如果能融化北极的冰帽,使得北极的水域能较容易通航,大幅度削减航行时间。

7.The color of the Martian surface and ice was estimated from MRO HiRISE color images of other Martian craters and the polar ice caps.火星表面以及冰层的颜色是根据MROHiRISE已摄得的火星弹坑和两极冰盖的颜色估算而来。

8.Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is stopped, the polar ice caps will melt with terrible consequences.如果不停止对臭氧层的破坏的话,南北两极的冰冠就可能会融化而带来可怕的后果。

9.I wished I could have been pke her instead of the kind of person who said, "Don't you ever worry about the polar ice caps melting? "我希望我能够像她,而不是说:“难道你不担心极地的冰帽会融化。”的人。

10.This effect, they say, is raising average temperatures and sea levels as the polar ice caps recede.他们说,这种温室效应在使两极冰盖消退的同时,也使地球平均气温升高,海平面上升。