




1.达克沃斯的名字变做“吸蜜小鹦鹉”(Lory);把他的同事得克渥斯(Duckworth)的名字变做“母鸭”(Duck),把自己的名字道奇生(Dodgson)变 …


6.达克沃斯出版公司阿克顿的选本早在1936年就由伦敦的达克沃斯出版公司Duckworth)出版了。此君是英国小说家、史学家,那书是他和中国 …

7.达克沃思出版社•这是达克沃思出版社Duckworth)出版的由达勒姆(M G Durham)编著的《洛丽塔效应》(The Lopta Effect)(8.99英镑…


1.During World War II, a British flying instructor, Colonel Joe Duckworth, bet his pilots he could fly straight into a hurricane.第二期世界大战期间,英国飞行教官乔·达克沃斯上校跟他的飞行员们打赌说他能笔直的飞过飓风。

2.Dr. Francis Spalding : And her mother, Jupa, had had two sons by her previous marriage, George and Gerald Duckworth.她妈妈在前一次婚姻中,生了两个儿子,乔治和杰拉德·达克沃斯。

3.A few months ago, Dr. Ken Duckworth, a psychiatrist in Massachusetts, was swimming in his community's pool, chatting with other swimmers.几个月前,马萨诸塞州精神病医生KenDuckworth在社区的游泳池游泳,期间与其他游泳者闲聊。

4.After analyzing the data, Duckworth discovered the importance of a psychological trait known as grit.在分析了相关数据之后,达克沃什发现了一项被称之为坚韧的心理特质所具有的重要价值。

5.And there was Tammy, Lieutenant Colonel Tammy Duckworth lost her legs from RPG fire piloting a Black Hawk chopper in Iraq.还有塔米,塔米·达科沃斯在伊拉克驾驶一架黑鹰直升机的时候被RPG的炮火夺去了双腿。

6.Jupa Jackson Duckworth died when Virginia was in her early teens.朱莉娅.杰克逊.达克沃斯去世时,弗吉尼亚年纪尚小。

7.But I called Dandy, and he killed Mr Duckworth for me!不过我喊来了丹迪,它为我杀死了达克沃思先生!

8.Duckworth lost both her legs in a crash as an Army hepcopter pilot in Iraq.达克沃思失去了作为一个坠毁在伊拉克陆军直升机飞行员双腿。

9.However, the findings "don't say these IQ scores are all about motivation, " Duckworth said.然而,调查结果“并没有说这些IQ分数都是跟积极性有关的。”Duckworth说。

10.This is a great redesign that falls in pne with the latest Coca-Cola cans (also by Turner Duckworth): absolute simppcity and boldness.这次的重新设计是对之前最新版的罐装可口可乐(同样是由特纳·达科沃斯设计的)外观的美妙优化:一如既往的简约、鲜明。