




1.英寸(yard. yd)、 英尺(foot. ft)、英寸inch. in)等长度 单位来计量。


1.The air gap must be at least two times the diameter of the water supply inlet and no less than one inch in diameter.在水槽的下水管和地板下水管之间。气隙的大小应至少为进水管直径的两倍,直径不应小于一英吋。

2.She felt that this moment of interview for her first job was a tremendous inch in her whole existence.她感到她的第一份工作的面试机会在她的整个生命中是一个了不起的部分。

3.It seems Sveden had been eating peas, and one went down the wrong pipe, then sprouted in his lung. The plant was about half an inch in size.医生推测斯维登在吃豌豆时,不慎将一粒豌豆呛到了气管中,并在肺部发芽,现已长至半英寸。

4.But I've pstened to many women's experiences at formal events and I've never grown an inch in any direction .我在正式场合听过很多女性的经验之谈,但我从未在任何方面有过一丝一毫的进步。

5.The cedar logs are cut into small , pencil- length slats less than one- fourth of an inch in thickness .香柏原木被切割成不到四分之一英寸村厚度的、小的、铅笔长度板条。

6.The National Weather Service issues a significant weather alert if hail size in a thunderstorm is less than 1 inch in diameter .冰雹直径不超过1寸时,国家气象局会发布重要天气警报。

7.An old broom handle will do the trick, but anything that is at least 1 inch in diameter will work.用一把旧扫帚柄上的木头就可以了,但至少要直径超过1英寸才有用。

8.The study was controlled for gender, weight and age, and found that each inch in height added about $789 a year in pay.他们对这些研究的结果进行了分析,并剔除了性别、体重和年龄等因素的影响。他们发现,身高每增加1英寸,年收入就会增加大约789美元。

9.So the coordinate (72, 72) represents the point one inch in from the left and bottom of the page.因此,坐标(72,72)表示距离页面左下角一英寸的点。

10.The idea developed inch by inch in his mind until he perfected it.他的思想慢慢地形成直至最后完善。