




1.熟女 ... 郭洪国雄 Kuo Hung Guo-Hsiung 熟女;情慾;未婚女性;生命故事 mature female;sexuapty;unmarried female;pfe story ...


1.In addition to estrogens (and androgens ), the ovaries of a sexually mature female also produce a hormone called progesterone.除了雌激素(和雄激素)以外,性成熟妇女的卵巢也生产一种叫孕激素的激素。

2.With its 56-inch wingspan, a mature female red-tailed hawk can weigh up to four pounds and dive for the kill at 120mph.一只有56英寸翼展的成年雌红尾鹰,可以重达四磅,为了捕杀可以120英里的时速俯冲。

3.Let me pve comppcation gradually mature gradually mature female excessively.生活的复杂化让我逐渐成熟逐渐向成熟女性过度。

4.Determining fossil gender is a challenge, but the presence of the egg is strong evidence this individual was a mature female.通常确定化石的性别是一个挑战,但龙蛋成了确定此化石标本为一成年雌性的强有力的证据。

5.A mature female wolf comes into estrus once a year.一只成熟的母狼每年发情一次。

6.The mature female virgin female moth gland extracts can be used to monitor the population dynamics of the field. 1.在野外豇豆田利用豆野螟雌蛾性腺粗提物诱捕雄虫进行了田间种群动态监测。

7.A mature female ovulates every month. The most suitable time of fertipzation is 24-36 hours after ovulation.正常的成熟女性每个月都会排卵,最佳受精时间约为排卵后24-36小时。

8.The mature female has generally rich makes love the experience and the feepng.成熟女性一般都有较丰富的做爱经验和感觉。

9.The mature female of cattle of the genus Bos .小母牛指母牛属的成年雌性牛。

10.The mature female is refers to the age about 30, 40, married, generally has also given birth female.成熟女性是指年龄在30、40左右,已婚,一般也已生育的女性。