



1.As you all know, Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei is now in Beijing after his visit to Russia, US, Japan and the ROK.如你所知,武大伟副部长已结束对俄罗斯、美国、日本和韩国的访问,日前已经回到北京。

2.Q: Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei's recent visit to the DPRK did not make much breakthrough.问:前不久,武大伟副部长访问了朝鲜,听说此次访问未取得特别突破。

3.Mr. Hill was scheduled to leave Beijing on Sunday after his series of meetings, including one with the Chinese foreign minister, Wu Dawei. .Hill先生在结束他的一系列会谈后定于周日离开北京,包括与外交部副部长武大伟的会面。

4.As far as I know, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei will meet with him respectively.据我目前了解的情况,杨洁篪部长和武大伟副部长将与他进行会见。

5.Wu Dawei said that the upcoming visit of Premier Wen is an important diplomatic event of China with its neighboring countries.武大伟说,温总理此行是今年我国周边外交的一次重要行动。

6.Vice Foreign Ministers Wang Guangya, Wu Dawei and He Yafei met with him separately this morning.今天上午,王光亚、武大伟和何亚非副部长分别与他进行了会见。

7.Yesterday, Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei met with them respectively and exchanged views with them on the next phase of the Six-Party Talks.昨天,武大伟副部长分别与希尔和金桂冠先生举行了会见,同他们就六方会谈下一阶段的有关工作交换了意见。

8.Chairman of this round of talks, Head of the Chinese Delegation and Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei presided over the meeting.本轮会谈主席、中方代表团团长、外交部副部长武大伟主持会议。

9.A: So far, I haven't heard that Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei plans to attend the meeting.答:目前我还没有听说武大伟副部长有与会的安排。

10."Putting it into practice in stages is the reasonable and reapstic choice, " China's chief negotiator Wu Dawei said in a statement.“分阶段实施这一协议是合理和现实的选择,”中国首席谈判代表武大为在一份声明中说。