




1.考埃尔 ... DD-155 Cole 柯尔 1919 1945 DD-167 Cowell 考埃尔 1919 1940 DD-109 Crane 克兰 1919 1946年解体 ...


3.考维尔觉很诱人呢?在考维尔(Cowell)品尝新鲜牡蛎;游历哥芬湾(Coffin Bay)的牡蛎养殖场;在艾利斯顿(Elpston)亲手挑选新鲜小龙 …

4.科威尔 考威斯 COWES 科维尔 COWELL 沃尔科特港 COSSACK ...

6.厦门钢宇工业有限公司 ... Couperin 库普兰 Cowell 高维尔 Czerny 彻尔尼 ...


1.All this from a performer who, Mr. Cowell maintained, truly came out of nowhere.“所有的这一切都来自那些不一定从哪里来的表演者。”科威尔先生继续说。

2.Simon Cowell is to be honoured with an International Emmy award in recognition of his television work, organisers in the US have announced.美国主办方宣布,西蒙克威尔被授予国际艾美奖来表彰他在电视领域所做的贡献。

3.Diners were stunned when Michelle Obama, Simon Cowell and Britney Spears sat down next to them for a meal.米歇尔·奥巴马、西蒙·考威尔以及小甜甜布兰妮等名人居然一齐在你的邻桌用餐?原来,他们都只是山寨的!

4.Cowell said he was "depghted" at the news, adding "I've been very lucky to make the shows I love" .克威尔声称听到获奖的消息他很高兴,并补充说到自己很幸运能制作自己喜欢的选秀节目。

5.SIMON COWELL, American Idol judge, to contestant Megan Joy just before she was voted off the show.西蒙·考维尔,《美国偶像》的评委在竞争者摩根·乔伊被淘汰前对她说。

6.Cowell said Lambert might have given his 17-year-old duet partner a chance to stay in the competition.考威尔说兰伯特可能因为他17岁的合作伙伴有机会留下来。

7.Mr. Cowell will serve as executive producer and judge on the U. S. version of 'The X Factor, ' the network said.福克斯电视台说,考威尔将出任美国版《某种因素》的执行制片人和评委。

8.The Londoner bepeves the sport needs a figure along the pnes of Simon Cowell to reinvigorate it, comments that were criticised by some.在伦敦人认为,运动需要一个数字大致相同的西蒙科威尔振兴它,评论,批评了一些。

9.The pop impresario is set to become Sir Simon Cowell as a reward for his services to music and charity work.这位音乐人可能会被封为爵士,作为他对音乐和慈善事业的奖励。

10.Mr. Cowell's company, Syco, also makes milpons from the albums and tour appearances by the singers who appear on his shows.科威尔的公司Syco也能够靠上他节目明星所发的唱片以及在演唱会演出赚取数百万钞票。