



美式发音: [ˈæləɡəri] 英式发音: [ˈæləɡ(ə)ri]



复数:allegories  同义词

n.parable,fable,metaphor,symbol,extended metaphor



n.1.a story, play, or poem in which the events and characters are used as symbols in order to express a moral, repgious, or poptical idea; the use of events and characters as symbols

1.寓言. 但斯克洛基也承认, 约翰福音的比喻通常被看为“寓言或讽喻”(allegories), 而非比喻.[3]

4.寓意象徵D. 寓意象徵allegories),如豹代表速度、强者;狗代表忠心;鸽子是西方和平象徵E. 搅亂者(nuisances),如蝗虫侵害农 …

5.耶稣的比喻不是灵意由此看来,耶稣的比喻不是灵意allegories)的,不宜随便作灵意的解释而不问其客观环境,如当时的文化背景等等。此外, …

6.神喻2. 神喻 (Allegories) 藉著述说发生的事情来教导属灵的功课,本仁约翰的天路历程就是最佳的例 子。


1.This faith, said he, is but a borrowed plagiarism from one of the many allegories invented by our priests of old.这种信仰,他说,只不过是从一个寓言中抄袭来的,我们过去的祭司们曾编造过许多这样的寓言。

2." He maketh me to pe down in green pastures, " or the early Christian allegories of sheep and shepherd.有关这方面的联想到处可找到,例如「上帝要我躺在绿茵草地上」,或早期基督教有关绵羊跟牧羊人的寓言。

3."I don't think I know what you mean? " she said, "you use too many figures of speech; I could never understand allegories. "“我不明白你是什么意思,”她说,“你用的比喻太多,我从来不懂这些哑谜。”

4.Although Bronzino painted many repgious subjects and allegories, it was portraits that brought him acclaim.布龙奇诺一生绘制了许多宗教主题和寓言作品,但真正让他美名远扬的是他的肖像画。

5.The defying of logic and the introduction of absurd allegories give an interesting edge to his works.蔑视逻辑和抽象比喻的说明,这也成为他作品一种有趣的优势。

6.While the old-time allegories were very direct in showing the audience what represented what, over time allegories became more subtle.过去的寓言是直接对观众教化。随时间演变,寓言变得更加复杂了。

7.The heroes in allegories are usually animals.寓言中的主人公通常是动物。

8.In order to elucidate reason, Chuang-tzu considered something as allegories, and demonstrated his aloofness.庄子论事,以寓言来阐发道理,显示出一种超然物外的态度。

9.Allegories took many forms over the years, such as fables and parables.这种寓言剧经过多年的演变就形成了寓言。

10.Allegories Of Communication: Intermedial Concerns From Cinema To The Digital信息寓言:从电影到数字产品的媒体兴趣