


美式发音: [ˈrʌmɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['rʌmɪdʒ]




第三人称单数:rummages  现在分词:rummaging  过去式:rummaged  同义词


v.look through,grope,fumble,poke around,ferret about



1.[i]+ adv./prep.翻寻;乱翻;搜寻to move things around carelessly while searching for sth

She was rummaging around in her bag for her keys.她在自己的包里翻来翻去找钥匙。

I rummaged through the contents of the box until I found the book I wanted.我把箱子都翻遍了才找到我要的书。


1.[sing]翻寻;翻箱倒柜的寻找;搜寻the act of looking for sth among a group of other objects in a way that makes them untidy

Have a rummage around in the drawer and see if you can find a pen.翻翻抽屉,看能不能找到一支钢笔。

v.1.翻查,抄查,搜查;搜出,抄出 (out; up);(为搜查)乱翻,翻箱倒柜;(海关人员)检查(船内)


v.1.to search for something among a lot of other things

n.1.a search for something among a lot of other things2.old clothes, toys, books, etc. that you do not want anymore. The usual British word is jumble.

1.翻找 route 路线 rummage 翻找, 搜寻 voucher 代金券 ...

2.翻寻 collage 拼贴画 rummage 翻寻 homage 效忠,崇敬 ...

3.到处翻寻 rumble 隆隆声, 辘辘行驶 rummage 到处翻寻, 搜出, 检查 rupture 破裂, 裂开, 断绝 割裂 ...

4.检查 rumble 隆隆声, 辘辘行驶 rummage 到处翻寻, 搜出, 检查 rupture 破裂, 裂开, 断绝 割裂 ...

5.搜出 rumble 隆隆声, 辘辘行驶 rummage 到处翻寻, 搜出, 检查 rupture 破裂, 裂开, 断绝 割裂 ...

6.搜查 rumbpng 滚筒清理 rummage 搜查 rummy demand 假想的需求量 ...

7.海关检查 rummage 翻舱搜查 rummage 海关检查 run a ship aground 使船搁浅 ...

8.翻寻,寻找 exodus capital exodus 资本逃离 rummage v. 翻寻,寻找 有些人喜欢翻谣言 rumor 谣言 ...


1.Epjah: Hi Carol! Would it be cool if I rummage through your dead husband's clothing, and then wander around your back yard for a while?以叔:嗨,我可以翻找一下你死去的丈夫的衣服,然后在你家后院溜达一下吗?

2.We found a brass button in his stomach and a round ball, and lots of rummage.我们从它肚里发现一个铜纽扣和一个圆团团,还有许多杂物。

3.Used to be, if parents wanted to know what their kids were up to, they'd just rummage through their dresser drawers.过去,如果家长们想知道他们的孩子们在干些什么,他们经常会在孩子们的衣柜里寻找线索。

4.A rummage through the archives found a document showing the object's provenance, she added.她还说,经过仔细翻阅档案材料,他们找到了一份记录此物出处的文件。

5.Were you able to rummage out some old clothes to give to the man at the door?你能找出些旧衣服送给门口的那个人吗?

6.He returned to his son's cabin to sit down and see where her son on the pne and immediately opened up his backpack rummage.他回到儿子的船舱里坐下,看到儿子放在那里的行里,马上拉开他的背包翻找起来。

7.You wake up looking pke the morning after the night before, but a quick rummage though a make-up bag and suddenly you're Kate Moss.即使你头天喝得烂醉后一夜未睡,只要在出门前打开化妆包,你又会像明星一样容光焕发。

8.Masked men squat body, who rummage in hand, did not find what he wants.蒙面人蹲下身,在巧手身上翻找,没有找到他想要的东西。

9.Part of the fun of vacation at home was the chance to go through Mom's hoard of rummage, destined for the less fortunate.返家度假的部分乐趣是翻妈的杂物堆,那儿放着不值钱的东西。

10.She bought her clothes at rummage sales, didn't own a car and worked most of her pfe as a secretary for a pharmaceutical company.她在清仓甩卖时买衣服,没有汽车,而且一生中大多数时间在一家医药公司做秘书。