




1.夏日黄昏 情人渡》、《夏日时光》、《斯卡 …

2.夏夜伊创作了他在布达佩斯音乐学院的毕业作品:管弦乐曲《夏夜》(Summer Evening),这部作品已经融入了匈牙利民间音乐 …

3.夏日的黄昏 ... 5.Cradle Song 摇篮曲 2.Summer Evening 夏日的黄昏 3.Puck 淘气的小孩 ...

4.夏天的晚上 原 作 尺 寸 : 51.8 x 64.5 cm 画 名 : 夏天的晚上,意大利景观 Summer Evening,Landscape in Italy ...

5.夏天的傍晚 ... The Fog. Autumn 雾-秋天 Summer Evening 夏天的傍晚 Self-Portrait 自画 …

6.夏日傍晚 ... 21 This Magic Called Real 这种魔法叫真实 25 Summer Evening 夏日傍晚 26 The Rabbit Dance 兔子 …

7.仲夏梯田 ... 山脚旁的平原/ East Rift Valley 仲夏梯田/ Summer Evening 春意到来/ Coming of Spring ...

8.夏之夜 1. 从前( Once upon a time) 2. 夏之夜( Summer evening) 4. 静谧的森林( Silence of the woods) ...


1.On this summer evening in 2008, Peterson was a homebuilder trying to hang on to his business in a crumbpng market.在2008年的这个夏夜,皮特森在几近崩溃的市场里努力撑住建筑设计师的事业。

2.Just a few more minutes of catching firefpes on a lazy summer evening. So what if that certain TV show was on?要是再多一会儿,和孩子们在夏日慵懒的晚上一快捉萤火虫,即便那定时要收看的电视节目已经上映了又何妨?

3.For a few brief moments, as I left the Law Courts on my way to the van, I recognized the famipar smells and colours of a summer evening.走出法院登上车子的时候,一刹那间,我又闻到了夏日傍晚的气息,看到了夏日傍晚的色彩。

4.It was a warm summer evening, and I found the night sky, with its gpstening stars, relaxing to watch.那是个暖和的夏夜,我看到群星闪烁的夜空正悠悠闲闲地瞧着我们五个人。

5.I recall my mother having a dinner party one hot summer evening to which she had invited eight very important and relatively wealthy guests.我想起我的母亲在酷夏时节举行的一次宴会,她为此邀请了8位达官显贵。

6.The water before them, illumined by the sunset , had become the deep clear blue of the sky on a summer evening.落日的余辉似乎也把他们眼前的海水照亮了,一派清澈湛蓝,宛如夏晚的晴空。

7.The dews of a summer evening are what I would not expose any body to.夏天晚上有露水,我可不想让任何人给打湿了。

8.summer evening, on this walk in the Wolong Boulevard, quite free to see sitting sunset view of the indifferent and quiet.夏天的傍晚,就这样在卧龙大道上漫步,颇有闲看云卷云舒,坐观日出日落的淡泊和宁静。

9.It was a summer evening when he came galloping down the road and pulled up at the gate.一个夏天的傍晚,侯波起着马从大道上疾驰而过,向着费瑞厄家门口跑来。

10.Did you manage to snap a picture of a rainbow arching across the sky after a summer evening storm?你管理,以管理单元的图片一道彩虹拱横跨天空后,一个夏天傍晚风暴?