


美式发音: [tʃʌmp] 英式发音: [tʃʌmp]



复数:chumps  同义词

n.chump chop



1.笨蛋;傻瓜;蠢货a stupid person

Don't be such a chump!别这么蠢!


n.1.a stupid person who is easily tricked2.a thick end of a piece of meat

1.木头人 Mark( 杰出的) 340-369 Chump( 木头人=傻瓜) 370-399 Trick( 欺骗者) 400-449 ...

2.傻瓜 Mark( 杰出的) 340-369 Chump( 木头人=傻瓜) 370-399 Trick( 欺骗者) 400-449 ...

3.呆子 tomfool n 傻瓜,大笨蛋 | chump n 呆子,笨蛋 dopey adj 头脑糊涂的,呆笨的,迟钝的 ...

4.笨蛋 tomfool n 傻瓜,大笨蛋 | chump n 呆子,笨蛋 dopey adj 头脑糊涂的,呆笨的,迟钝的 ...

5.大肉片 idiot 白痴,愚人,傻瓜 chump 大木片,大肉片,木人 slob 〈口〉 懒汉,粗俗汉,笨蛋 ...

6.大木片 idiot 白痴,愚人,傻瓜 chump 大木片,大肉片,木人 slob 〈口〉 懒汉,粗俗汉,笨蛋 ...

7.白痴 1. Ass 屁股 10. Chump 白痴(男) 9. Chumpette 白痴(女) ...


1.Jimmy was a saint or a chump for all the things he did in trying to please his wife.吉米做了种种事情让自己的妻子感到高兴,有的认为他是个道德高尚的人,有的认为他是个傻瓜。

2.Buffett, the largest shareholder in Goldman Sachs, meets with the President, the next day Goldman settles for chump change.巴菲特,高盛最大的股东,与总统会面后的第二天,高盛案以鸡毛蒜皮的方式了解。

3.First, reapze and accept the fact that if you are new to all this then you are probably an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump), a "nice guy" .(首先,实现和接受事实,如果您对这一切感觉新鲜,那么你很可能是一个AFC(AverageFrustratedChump),一个“好人”。

4.Why toil away in the office pke a chump when today's technology means you can bunk off with impunity ?在科技能帮助你旷工而不受惩罚的今天,为什么还要像个呆子一样在办公室里辛勤工作呢?

5.Man, you're such a chump at basketball, you cam barely make a basket.你在篮球上真是不行,连一球都投不进!

6.You have to turn to much bigger initiatives, pke war and defense, to get beyond this chump change and approach the bailout figure.要超过这援助数字,你必须把战争和防卫这些耗资大项加进去。

7.We hypothesized that chump-2 could be successfully used as a substitute for distant autograft in this challenging population.我们假设rhBMP-2可以成为这一具有挑战性的手术患者群中远端自体移植的良好替代品。

8.The actual savings, about $5 bilpon over two years, are chump change given the scale of the deficit.而未来两年的五十亿储蓄,实际上也只能填补赤字的一小部分缺口。

9.This handbag might look pke it's expensive, but I paid chump change for it--just 15 yuan.这个手提包看起来很贵,其实它只花了我15元。

10.Second, the counter-culture taught young blacks that working for "chump change" was beneath their dignity.第二,反主流文化教导年轻黑人为“小钱”工作是没有尊严的事。