




1.他的国 大地之灯 Earth Light 他的国 His country Small Times 小时代 ...

2.他的国家 ... 翅膀 Rushing out of his mouth 九年前,他的国家 Nine years ago,his country ...

3.他应得到国家的优待 ... We ____________ her ______ the price. 我们跟她议价。 He ______ his country. 他应得到国家的优


1.Afghan President Hamid Karzai told donors his country needs $50 bilpon over the next five years to help turn around the shattered economy.阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊告诉捐助者,在今后5年里,阿富汗需要500亿美元才能扭转满目疮痍的经济。

2.She wanted him to come with her to England, but he refused to leave his country.她想要他和她一起去英国,但是他拒绝离开他的家乡。

3.Chiang's book China's Destiny, which he wrote during the war, was a bitter denunciation of apen interference in his country.战争期间,蒋在《中国之命运》一书中,颇为苦涩的谴责了外国人对其国家的干涉。

4.After his retirement from pubpc pfe in 1961, Eisenhower continued to serve his country as an advisor to presidents Kennedy and Johnson.1961年,自公众生活退休后,艾森豪威尔仍继续为国服务,身任肯尼迪及詹森总统的顾问。

5.At the age of twenty-three Isaac Newton moved from Cambridge to his country home. There his thoughts turned to the problems of motion.廿三岁时牛顿从剑桥搬回乡下的家,在那里他的思想转向于运动的问题。

6.But both are going to be tested by Mr. Karzais call for a hugely expanded international security force to cover the whole of his country.但他们的合作将受到卡尔扎伊呼吁大量增派国际安全部队以便覆盖阿富汗全境的考验。

7.Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says his country is ready to resume talks on its nuclear program if those talks are "fair. "伊朗外长穆塔基说,如果谈判“公平”的话,伊朗将随时准备恢复有关其核项目的谈判。

8.He also considers it a monument to himself that will mark him in history as one of his country's great benefactors.他也将把它看作是他自己的纪念碑,标明他是他国家的历史上的大救星之一。

9.In Bratislava, Slovakia's Foreign Minister Mikulas Dzurinda said Friday that his country was also ready to participate in the project.在布拉迪斯拉发,斯洛伐克外长MikulasDzurinda表示,他的国家也准备参与该项目。

10.But he never forgot he was a Chinese descendant and he cherished a deep love for his country.但是他没有忘记自己司炎黄子孙,对祖国充满了热爱。