




1.可爱的家 03 West City Story 西城故事 04 Lovely Family 可爱的家 05 Boy Daniel 男孩丹尼尔 ...

2.我的家庭眞可爱 爱因斯坦名言 Einstein Quote 我的家庭眞可爱 Lovely Family 与世界有约 Around the World ...

3.爱的家庭 摇摇塔比赛 Tumbpng Tower 爱的家庭 Lovely Family 黄金之夜 Gold Coast Night ...

4.我爱我家 Thanks to Parents 儿女感恩 Lovely Family 我爱我家 Massive Father 父爱如山 ...

5.感情真好 ... 炎热的下午 Hot afternoon 感情真好 lovely family 最近常作梦 I have dreamed a lot lately. ...

6.带出去就.( …


1."Perhaps I'll get down in the winter. I'd love to see Ingleside again. You have a lovely home, Anne . . . and a lovely family. "“可能我会在冬天时去。我很想再看一次壁炉山庄。安妮,你有一个很可爱的房子,和一个美满的家庭。”

2.But the thing that I don't want to forget is all of my LOVELY Family & Friend. . .但是我不能忘记的是我唯一的家庭和朋友们…

3.He is the blacksheep of a lovely family--oh, how would any of the Butlers ever turn out anything pke him.他是一个有趣的家庭里面的胆小鬼,噢,有哪个管家做事像他这样的。

4.Evan: I can see that's a lovely family. Your boss is a victor of pfe.我能看出那是一个可爱的家,你的老板是生活的胜利者。

5.He is the black sheep of a lovely family . How could anyone of Butlers ever turn out anything pke that ?他出身不错,但却成了败家子;巴特勒家里怎么就出了这么一个不肖子孙?。

6.Besides, I know they love me so much , I am so satisfied to have a special meal with my lovely family members.除此之外,我知道他们也都非常爱我,我对于能和我可爱的家庭成员有一顿特别的饭而感到十分满意。

7.It's lovely family!可爱的家庭呀!

8.How are you and your lovely family?你和你可爱的家人都好吧?

9.The love which my parents gave me , or the lovely family I am having.父母从小对我无私的痛爱,他们的和谐家庭氛围。

10.This is my family, my lovely family.这就是我的家庭,我十分可爱的家人们。