




1.在食堂 “How do you do?”(“ 你好吗?”)、 “At the canteen”(“ 在食堂”)和短文 2.Focal words and Expressions 重点单词和词组; ...


1.Please have meal at the canteen. Do not take food out of the canteen or eat at office.员工须在餐厅内用餐,食物不得带出餐厅或在工作岗位用餐。

2.When they weren't looking at my face they looked at the canteen under my legs.他们不是盯着我的脸,就是看着我腿下的水壶。

3.What is wrong with getting a part-time job at the canteen? The money is not so good, but you get to know all those beautiful chicks!在餐厅打工怎么了?工资是不怎么的,但是有机会认识美眉啊!

4.I used to have lunch at the canteen at ten past twelve.我常常在12:10在小餐厅吃午饭。

5.Noon meal at the canteen we look at movies, watching movies and a half hours.中午吃完饭我们就在食堂看电影,看了半小时电影。

6.However, with the particular picky way I eat, I think soon the stalls I patronise at the canteen would remember me.但是,由于我吃东西很讲究,我想我常光顾的摊位老板可要记住我了。

7.My students often ( complain) about the food served at the canteen.我的学生经常抱怨学校餐厅的食物。

8.Usually, Mr. Knox had his supper at the canteen.通常,诺克斯先生在食堂吃晚饭。

9.Call my secretary if you don't find me at the canteen.打电话给我的秘书,如果你在餐厅找不到我。

10.have lunch at the canteen.我们在食堂吃午饭