



美式发音: [kəˈres] 英式发音: [kə'res]




复数:caresses  现在分词:caressing  过去式:caressed  同义词





n.1.a gentle movement of your hands over someones face or body in a way that shows you love them

v.1.to move your hands gently over someones face or body in a way that shows you love them2.to touch someone or something gently in a pleasant way

1.爱抚 festive adj. 庆祝的, 喜庆的, 欢乐的, 节日似 caresses n. 爱抚, 接吻 goodness n. 仁慈, 善良 ...

2.轻抚 ... subversion 颠覆 caresses 轻抚 Goodwill 善意 ...

3.缎子都是哄骗是存在于镀金和雕刻的华盖的背后。金子、蜡克、理石、缎子都是哄骗caresses),是我们在哄骗的花园里寻找的东西:芭 …


1.This woman, pke many women of her sort, had a load of caresses and a burden of blows and injuries to dispense each day.那妇人,和许多和她同一类型的妇人一样,每天都有一定数量的抚爱和一定数量的打骂要发泄。

2.Then I sat by her side and tried to warm her with my caresses. She did not speak, but she smiled at me.于是我坐在她身边,试着用我的爱抚来暖和她,她一句话也不跟我说,只是对我微笑着。

3.The child only answered by her caresses, and laid her head upon his breast.这孩子只是用她让人怜爱的样子来回答,把头贴到他的胸上。

4.Cosette, who only understood in a very confused manner, redoubled her caresses, as though she desired to pay Marius' debt.珂赛特模糊地懂得了一点,她加倍亲热,好象要替马吕斯赎罪。

5.Whenever I sat, it would spring upon my knees, covering me with its loathsome caresses.只要我一坐下,它就跳到我膝盖上,在我身上讨厌地蹭个不停。

6.I felt myself sanctified by your touch , and it would not have been possible for me then to accept any other man'caresses.我感觉自己的身体因为被你碰过而变得神圣,所以我不可能让其他人爱抚我的身体。

7.Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun.甚至,它会登上你的高度,爱抚你在阳光中颤动着的嫩枝。

8.Linton lavished on her the kindest caresses and tried to cheer her by the fondest words.林顿在她身上不惜施以最温柔的爱抚,而且用最亲昵的话想使她高兴。

9.Even as he decends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun.他虽升到你的最高处,抚摩你在日中颤动的枝叶。

10.The baby went fast asleep with his mother's caresses.在母亲的爱抚下,婴儿很快就睡熟了。