




1.无限的多样性 ... improved variety 改良品种, 育成品种, 育成种 infinite variety 多种多样 irreducible variety 不可约簇 ...


1.Anthropology holds up a great mirror to man and lets him lookat himself in his infinite variety.人类学支撑着一个伟大的镜子的人,让他看他自己以他无限的变化。

2.He failed to grasp that there can be an infinite variety of ways of being different, even of being God.他没有理解到:有许多变成与众,不同的方法,甚至是成为上帝。

3.Creatures of infinite variety and ingenious design, these would be inheritors of the earth, prove anything but meek.变化无穷与精心设计的动物,尽其所能求生于世间,绝无温顺可言。

4.An infinite variety of software can be put into the computer, which explains why it is so powerful.无限多样的软件可以被放入计算机,这可以解释为什么它是如此的强大。

5.The Dragon of Chaos is "raw untamed potential" , primordial chaos in its inexhaustible energy and infinite variety of forms.混乱之龙是“原始未驯化的潜能”,其千变万化的身躯蕴含着原始混乱的无尽能量。

6.Among the inland bodies of water are an infinite variety of fresh and sapne lakes and marshes.内陆水域中有无数种类的淡水和咸水湖泊,沼泽和湿洼地。

7.Clearly, there is a potentially infinite variety of such actions, and you cannot possibly perform them all.很明显,可能存在无数种这样的操作,并且您不可能执行所有的操作。

8.Whether it is trust we earn from colleagues or a spouse, it is built slowly over time in an infinite variety of circumstances.不管是同事的信任还是配偶的信任,都是在无穷变化的环境中日积月累而沉淀下来的。

9.Using the Smart Shelves system you can create a nearly infinite variety of displays based on search expression.使用智能书架系统,你可以在显示搜索结果的基础上创建无限的排列方式。

10.Infinite variety and comppcation finally falls into derivatives of 0 and 1.无穷的斑斓繁复终由“0”和“1”描摹定论。