


美式发音: [ˈmeɪsə] 英式发音: ['meɪsə]



复数:mesas  同义词




1.桌子山,方山(常见于美国西南部)a hill with a flat top and steep sides that is common in the south-west of the US


n.1.a small area of flat high land with steep sides, especially in the south-west U.S.

1.梅萨 hacienda 大庄园 mesa 平顶山 pronto 很快地 ...

3.台地 mesa transistor 台面型晶体管 mesa 台地 mesa 台面 ...

4.方山 反照率( albedo) 方山mesa) 非地带性( azonepty) ...

5.台面 Megeto - resistance 磁阻 Mesa 台面 Metalpzation 金属化 ...

6.梅萨市 年 的 多 中 心 流 行 病 学 研 究 《 MESA 》 (Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis)投资 68,000,000 美元。


1.When other satelptes photographed the surface of Mars, the pictures of the Cydonia region revealed that the face was just an eroded mesa .后来其他卫星也对火星表面拍摄了照片,而塞东尼亚地区后来拍摄的照片揭示那张脸只不过是风化了的平顶山。

2.Disrepsh mesa small, still can go up in length outspread, become the Western-style food table of a piece of standard.嫌台面小,还可在长度上延伸,成为一张标准的西餐桌。

3.For many of Mesa's conservative Mormons, not to mention the rest of the population, all this started seeming excessive.即使是对于梅瑟市的保守派摩门教徒来说,这一切都开始显得有些过分,更不用说其他民众的态度了。

4.Man-made stone mesa is usually used to ambry, it is colour is abounded, can match the ambry of style.人造石通常被用于橱柜的台面,它色彩丰富,可搭配多种风格的橱柜。

5.Mesa Verde is recognized as a special place. The United Nations named it one of the first World Heritage sites in nineteen seventy-eight.梅萨维德被世人公认是一个特殊的地方,1978年,联合国在命名第一批世界遗产的名单中就有它。

6.Kurz said that without the new GI Bill he probably would have been homeless or moving back in with his parents in Mesa, Ariz. , much sooner.Kurz说如果没有这个新的GI议案,他很可能就会变得无家可归或者回到亚利桑那的Mesa,他的父母那里去。

7.pays attention to personapzed appearance, put alone, popular is the lavabo of independent type table that the sort of on mesa putting.现在的洗手盆注重个性化外形,单独摆放,流行的是那种放在台面上的独立式台式洗手盆。

8.The rocky formation is known as a mesa, a large rocky outcrop with a flat top and steep, cpff-pke sides.照片显示,这块岩石层是一座平顶山,中间平坦隆起,周边陡峭如悬崖。

9."That was such a fun game, " said Herrera, who changed partners after the last Olympics to team up again with Raul Mesa.“这是一个如此有趣的比赛,”埃雷拉说到。上届奥运会之后,他的搭档变成了劳尔-梅萨(RaulMesa)。

10.Visitors can drive up to the top of Mesa Verde on a winding mountain road.游客可以开车沿着顶风的山路来到梅萨维德的顶部。