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网络释义:无花果儿;Family Interview for Genetic Studies;鲜或干的无花果




abbr.1.(=figure)图; 图表

n.1.[Plant]a soft fruit with purple or green skin and a lot of small seeds inside. It grows on a fig tree.2.[Plant]a tree that produces figs


1.无花果an,1787—1833),两人同时争名。   ②无花果儿figs)这字有侮慢的意思。   都宾答道:“我不行,我得先把这封信写完。

3.Family Interview for Genetic Studies

4.鲜或干的无花果 ... 26 08041020 DRIED 干的 27 08042000 FIGS 鲜或干的无花果 28 08043000 PINEAPPLES 鲜 …

5.无花果味 干 * 辛辣味 Pepper * 干 * 无花果味 Figs * 白沙威浓 长相思 * 卢瓦区 * 新西兰 * 波尔多 干 * 醋栗果味 Gooseberries * ...

6.无花果乾 ... Dates-- 枣 Figs-- 无花果乾 Crystalpsed Ginger-- 糖姜 ...


1.A pttle bacon, a bit of mutton, figs, a fresh cheese, and a large loaf of rye bread.还有一点咸肉、一块羊肉、无花果、新鲜乳酪和一大块黑麦面包。

2.The name of Figs, which had been a byword of reproach, became as respectable and popular a nickname as any other in use in the school.无花果儿这名字本来含有侮辱的意思,后来却成了学校里最受欢迎和最体面的浑名儿之一。

3.And when He came to it, He found nothing except leaves, for it was not the season for figs .到了树下,除了叶子以外,什么也找不著,因为不是收无花果的时节。

4.It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!这地方不好撒种,也没有无花果树,葡萄树,石榴树,又没有水喝!

5.Peaches, grapes, figs and strawberries are just a few of the plants that can be grown right in your home.桃、葡萄、无花果和草莓是少数的几种能在室内栽培较好的植物。

6.For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.以赛亚说,当取一块无花果饼来,贴在疮上,王必痊愈。

7."The result is a unique harmonious mix of bitter cocoa flavours, sweet ripe figs and aromatic smoke, " said the Bologna-based company.来自于意大利博洛尼亚的这家公司提道:“这种巧克力拥有圆润的苦可可风味,甜甜的熟花生风味和熏香味。”

8.And the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.天上的星辰坠落于地,如同无花果树被大风摇动,落下未熟的果子一样。

9.A few minutes later she was back with a handful of warm, fresh figs which she gave us for the journey ahead.几分钟后她又回来了,拿着一把温热新鲜的无花果给我们带着路上吃。

10.The palate was dominated by preserved figs and raisins, the sweetness was a bit over-powering the acidity, making the wine semi sweet.味蕾被无花果及葡萄干果支配,甜盖过酸,让酒液变为半甜状态。