




1.掠夺者无人机 中文: 名碟录音厂录音棚 The Hit Factory 中文: 无人驾驶猎食雄蜂战斗机 predator drone ...

4.无人猎食机 ... SCP-159-The Perfect Lock 无可撼动之锁 SCP-160-Predator Drone 无人猎食机 SCP-161-Pinwheel of Doom! 毁灭 …

5.无人侦察机例句请见本文 ... 3. street-corner 街角的;街头的例句请见本文。 7. predator drone 无人侦察机例句请见本文。 ...

6.无人作战机游客们可以找到一切机型,从老式客机到最新的无人驾驶飞机,例如“掠夺者”无人作战机Predator Drone)。But Ron Wagner …


1.Before the convoy had traveled two miles, NATO officials said, it was set upon by an American Predator drone and a French warplane.在这一车队还没来得及走上两英里之前,据北约军官说,它便遭到一架美国“掠夺者”无人战斗机和一架法国战机的袭击。

2.A Predator drone pke the ones used to hunt down terrorist leaders in Pakistan (file photo).无人机,类似在巴基斯坦抓获恐怖分子头目的一架“捕食者”(档案照片)。

3.We've already had three instances of Predator drone strikes where we thought we got Bin Laden, and it turned out not to be the case .我们已经有了三个“捕食者”无人机误伤的例子。我们以为攻击目标是本拉登。结果却不是。

4.The U. S. Defense Department announced an airstrike by a U. S. Predator drone in Libya Saturday.美国国防部星期六宣布在利比亚发动美国“捕食者”号无人驾驶机执行的空袭。

5.Inventors have given us the antibiotic and the air bag, the plow and the Predator drone.发明家创造出抗生素和安全气囊,扫雪机还有掠夺者无人机。

6.The role of the Predator drone has changed dramatically over time.捕食者无人机的作用随着时间的推移发生了巨大变化。

7.The Air Force hopes it can eventually be used in a follow on to the Predator Drone.空军希望这种炸弹最终会用于装备“掠夺者”无人驾驶飞机。

8.A US Predator drone fpes above Kandahar Air Field, southern Afghanistan, on 31 January.一架美国捕食者无人机于1月31日飞过阿富汗南部的坎大哈机场上空。

9.Better known for its work in nuclear physics, General Atomics stole a march on the big firms by producing the Predator drone.虽然通用原子能公司在核物理方面名气更响一些,但该公司已经比那些宇航巨头抢先一步生产出了“捕食者”无人机。

10.A U. S. Predator drone fpes over the moon above Kandahar Air Field, southern Afghanistan Sunday, Jan.图19.2010年1月31日星期日,在阿富汗南部的坎大哈空军基地,一架美国Predator无人驾驶飞机飞过基地上空的月亮。