




1.人耳人耳是人类接收声音的工具,人耳Human Ears)因结构的关系,一般人的听觉范围大置在於16Hz~18KHz之间,人耳最敏感 …


1.Depending on the circumstances, the resulting sound wave may be so faint as to be inaudible to human ears.在某些环境中,用这种文件处理后的声波可能会变得很微弱,人耳基本上听不到。

2.Every three to six months, we change the content of the announcements because human ears tend to respond better to something new and fresh.每三到六个月,我们会更换广播的内容,因为人们的耳朵喜欢听一些新鲜的事物。

3.It's the latest in a series of studies that show that sound from both human ears is processed differently within the brain.最新的一系列研究表明,从人类的左右耳传入的声音在大脑中是得到不同处理的。

4.Traditionally consonant and dissonant sounds are subjectively identified through human ears.传统上,协和音与不协和音是透过人耳来主观认定的。

5.FIDDLE, n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat.一种乐器。它通过马尾毛在猫的内脏上磨来擦去达到为人类的耳朵搔痒的目的。

6.Far away, too far for human ears to pick up, he recognized the noises of a fox.他听到远处有狐狸发出的嘈杂声,一般人类是无法听到那么远的距离的。

7."I think our human ears are fickle. What's considered good or bad sound changes over time, " Mr. Berger said.“我相信人类的耳朵是易变的,随着时间的会改变对好坏的看法,”Berger说。

8.Objective: To explore the effect of highland on tympanic membrane image of human ears.前言:目的:探讨高原环境对人耳鼓膜像的影响。