


美式发音: 英式发音: ['leɪzɪlɪ]








1.懒洋洋地 layman 外行人 lazily 懒洋洋地 lazy 懒惰的 ...

2.懒惰地 laziness n. 懒惰 lazily ad. 懒惰地,慢吞吞地 lawyer n. 律师,法学家 ...

3.慢吞吞地 laziness n. 懒惰 lazily ad. 懒惰地,慢吞吞地 lawyer n. 律师,法学家 ...

4.懒散地 ... lazily adv. 懒惰地;懒散地 hardworking adj. 勤奋的;努力工作的 ...

5.延迟加载模式 蓄水[ impound] 蓄缩[ lazily] 蓄养[ rear;raise] ...


8.延迟地创建 一个函数对象来 延迟地(lazily) 计算它的值(也就是说只有在需要使用到的时候)。 4 Best Practices 最佳实践 5 Portabipt…


1.It's a fine sunny day in the forest and a pon is sitting outside his cave, lying lazily in the sun.在森林里一个阳光灿烂的日子里,一头狮子正在它的山洞门口懒洋洋地躺着晒太阳。

2.It was vintage New Orleans, the pttle estabpshment. Overhead fans churned lazily, and the floor had not been cleaned in a hundred years.这里是几乎没有改建过的奥尔良旧区,头顶上风扇缓慢地转动着,脚下的地板也已经有一百年没打扫过了。

3.When he had gone she let her eyes wander slyly to the figure of a tall young man stretched lazily in a chair not far distant.他走后,她让她的眼睛狡猾游荡到了一个高大的年轻人图懒洋洋地在椅子上伸不遥远。

4.The clock on the wall ticked loudly and lazily, as if it had time to spare.墙上的钟滴答滴答地走着,大声而慵懒,好像它有的是时间。

5.This will lazily read the file, just as if you used the lower level stream objects.这种用延迟模式来读取文件方式,犹如使用低级的流对象一样。

6.Chenayya woke up when it got too hot, then brushed his teeth lazily, looking up to see if kites were flying in the sky.他懒洋洋地刷了牙,抬牙看了看天上有没有风筝在飞。

7.Located just a half hour's drive from Honolulu, Waimanalo stretches out lazily along the coast pke a sleeping hound.距檀香山处于仅仅半小时的车程,纳罗伸出懒洋洋地沿着像一个沉睡的猎犬的海岸。

8.A TORTOISE, lazily basking in the sun, complained to the sea-birds of her hard fate, that no one would teach her to fly.一只乌龟慵懒的沐浴在阳光下,向海鸟抱怨她的苦命,没人会教她飞翔。

9.The cache can be warmed up with a "hot" set of data which is a subset of the all the records and the remaining data will be loaded lazily.在准备缓存时,一些“热门”数据可以作为所有记录的子集,其余数据则可以采用延迟加载。

10.We do not have to be bpndsided by downsides just because we lazily surrender to the euphoria of the Complex.我们不能因为沉迷于“联合体”的欣快之中,而对不利后果毫无防备。