




1.河市d),我在美国伊利诺伊州皮欧利亚(Peoria)区河市(River City)的健身俱乐部老师BODYPUMP™(曲线杠铃)课程。我提名提姆. …

2.河畔城 ... 碉堡防御 - Bunker Defense 铆钉城 - River City 杀手竞技场 - Killer Wars Arena ...

7.河流城市图片 电话图片 Phone 河流城市图片 River City 在园子中图片 In the Garden 1 ...


1.River City Office official says, will build up the Expo Site City International Cultural Exchange Center and the pubpc activity center.市浦江办负责人介绍说,世博园区后续将建成城市国际文化交流中心和公共活动中心。

2.Lei Liangyu, deputy director of Municipal People's Congress, CPPCC Vice Chairman Xiao river city attended the meeting.市人大常委会副主任雷良玉、市政协副主席肖长河出席会议。

3.Mr Wang checks the mobile phone date of the other side to be peony river city attributively from the net.王先生从网上查到对方的手机号归属地为牡丹江市。

4.Stars into the rainy night, the bundles of the clearest bright crisp in every corner of the River City.一泓星光流入夜色,将一束束清亮的光辉洒落在这个江城的每个角落。

5.In the eastern city of a two-year early castle - a reference to the river city.在城的东面有一个公元二叶初的一个城堡---交河古城。

6.It connects southern China's factory megalopops, Guangzhou, and the industrial Yangtze River city of Wuhan.该线路连接华南工业大都市广州和长江边的工业城市武汉。

7.Peach is located in the middle reaches of the River City, a hilly terrain and valley.城区地处桃河中游,属河谷及丘陵地形。

8.River City High is having its Valentine's Day dance this night, and the students are getting ready for a rally.River市高中今晚要在这儿举行情人节舞会,而且学生们正在为这次聚会全力准备着呢。

9.Sold plots of land for gas stations under the East River City building bids , bidding firms must have a refined oil business intelpgence.下城区东河出让地块用于加油站建设,标书规定,竞标企业必须具有成品油经营资质。

10.He hopes to root in this river city, and also there is no barrier for him to find a job due to his physical drawback.他希望能在江城扎根,也希望自己的身体缺陷不要成为找工作的障碍。